What are the military discharge codes?
There are 6 types of “discharge of character” listed on military discharges: (1)”Honorable” or “Under honorable conditions”, (2) “General under Honorable Conditions”, (3) “Other than Honorable” (OTH), (4) “Bad Conduct” (BCD), (5) “Dishonorable” (DD), (6) “Entry Level (ELS) or Non-Characterized ” The DD 214 must have a …
How do I read a dd214 code?
How To Read A DD Form 214 Block By Block
- NAME: The full legal name of the veteran.
- DEPARTMENT, COMPONENT & BRANCH: This block includes whether the member was active, Guard, or Reserve as well as the branch or branches of service served in.
- 4a.
- 4b.
What is a Section 8 discharge in the military?
Section 8 was a category of discharge from the United States military, used for a service member judged mentally unfit for service. Section 8 was also often given to cross-dressers, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
What does reentry code 3 mean on a dd214?
What does reentry code RE 4 mean?
nonwaiverable disqualification
What does 3F mean?
• RE-3F: Erroneous enlistment. • RE-3G: Condition (not physical disability) interfering with performance of duty.
Is a medical discharge from the Army an honorable discharge?
Here is a list of most types of military discharges: 1 – honorable discharge; 2 – general discharge under honorable conditions; 3 – other than honorable (OTH) discharge; 4 – bad conduct discharge (issued by special court-martial or general court-martial); 5 – dishonorable discharge; 6 – entry-level separation; 7 – …
What are the 5 types of military discharges?
In general, there are five different types of discharges from the Army: Honorable; General, Under Honorable Conditions; Under Other than Honorable Conditions; Bad Conduct; and Dishonorable.
Are you a veteran if you were discharged in basic training?
If a member of the armed forces was discharged during basic training for medical reasons, they are still considered a veteran for Federal student aid purposes so long as they served at least one day before being discharged. To be considered a veteran, the student must have been released from active duty.
What does a medical discharge from the Army mean?
A Medical Discharge may be given to service members who become sick or injured to the point where military duty is no longer possible based on a medical evaluation of the medical condition. This process can be lengthy and may or may not be appealed depending on a variety of factors.
Can you rejoin the Army after being medically discharged?
Assuming you were discharged with either an uncharacterized (usually given for medical discharges in the first 6 months of service only), or Honorable, if and when your medical condition improves to the point where you not only meet the retention standards of your Service, but the entrance standards (which are often …
How much do you get for medical discharge from the Army?
DoD Disability for Medical Separations All medically separated service members receive a single lump-sum severance payment for their DoD Disability. This payment is equal to 2 months of basic pay for each year of military service he gave.
How long does a medical discharge take in the army?
I would suggest that you guys have to take the military at their word that it will take 4-6 weeks to be medically discharged.
What can disqualify you from the army?
There are age, citizenship, physical, education, height/weight, criminal record, medical, and drug history standards that can exclude you from joining the military.
What happens if you get med boarded out of the Army?
A service member will be medically separated when the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) finds the service member rated less than 30%. This type of separation begins the process of severing Department of Defense (DoD) benefits. A service member separating will receive involuntary separation pay.
What medical conditions will disqualify you from the military?
Medical Conditions That Can Keep You from Joining the Military
- Abdominal Organs and Gastrointestinal System. The following conditions may disqualify you from military service:
- Blood and Blood-Forming Tissue Diseases.
- Dental.
- Ears.
- Hearing.
- Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders.
- Upper Extremities.
- Lower extremities.
What disqualifies you from ROTC?
Psychotic episodes. History of depression requiring meds, outpatient treatment or hospitalization. Bedwetting/sleepwalking/eating disorders past the age of 12.