Why are some Dobermans ears pointed?
Dogs have their ears cropped for one reason and one reason only; to achieve a certain ‘look’. Historically, breeds such as Dobermans had their ears cropped as puppies and then splinted – taped to bits of wood or cardboard – to make their ears grow upwards instead of leaving them to go floppy.
Why won’t my Doberman’s ears stand up?
Registered. If you want ears to stand they HAVE to be posted until they are done. If you leave them down between postings and let them fall you are either 1: vastly increasing the amount of time they will need to be posted or 2: ruining them forever so they will never stand.
How long do you have to post Doberman ears?
The puppy will need to be seen/have it’s ears posted every 2-7 days until the ears are standing; for Doberman Pinschers 6-10 weeks is the average time it takes for the ears to start to stand, with some individuals being posted beyond 6 months of age or more.
How do you know when your Doberman’s ears are done?
Take them down early one morning when you can be home and leave them down to see if they weaken. If they are as strong that night as they were that morning, then leave then down for the night and see how they are in the morning. If they are standing good the next morning, you could very well be done.
When should you stop posting your ears?
Postings should NEVER exceed 7 days for any reason! recommend that you leave them off for 24 hours, even if they have not been on the full three days. This is because the process of the tape peeling off the ear irritates the skin and can predispose your puppy to skin infections.
Is it better to crop Dobermans ears?
It has no known health benefit and is done solely at the dog owner’s preference. Ear cropping in the Doberman breed has long been routinely done to achieve a certain appearance. Because the procedure is purely cosmetic, they believe it poses unnecessary risks to the dog. Ear cropping is becoming less common.
Where is ear cropping banned?
There are currently nine states that specifically regulate ear cropping of dogs. Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York and Pennsylvania all prohibit ear cropping except by a licensed veterinarian while the dog is under an anesthetic.