What do you mean draw out?

What do you mean draw out?

transitive verb. 1 : remove, extract. 2 : to extend beyond a minimum in time : protract sense 1. 3 : to cause to speak freely a reporter’s ability to draw a person out.

What does it mean to draw others out?

(phrasal verb) in the sense of persuade someone to talk. Definition. to encourage (someone) to talk freely. Her mother tried to draw her out.

What is Stringout?

v. 1. To make something longer than usual or necessary; prolong something: The prosecution strung out the trial hoping to get the time to gather more evidence.

What are drawn-out sentences?

(used of speech) uttered slowly with prolonged vowels. 1. The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.

What is another word for drawn-out?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for drawn-out, like: protracted, tortuous, prolonged, dragging, lengthy, long, overlong, extended, longsome, tedious and long-drawn-out.

What is the meaning of long drawn-out?

adjective. lasting a very long time; protracted: a long-drawn-out story. of great length; long: a long-drawn-out line of soldiers.

What is a long drawn out story called?

tirade Add to list Share. Although, tirades don’t necessarily have to include bad words — any long, drawn out speech or epic declaration can be called a tirade.

How do you draw someone out?

Here are nine small talk habits that will make people instantly drawn to you.

  1. Having A Comfortable Opener.
  2. Sharing Relatable Information About Yourself.
  3. Asking Open-Ended Questions.
  4. Using Their Name.
  5. Keying In To What’s Important To Others.
  6. Paying Attention To Body Language.
  7. Listening Instead Of Planning.

What does the phrase draw him out mean?

on someone or something and draw someone out about someone or something; draw someone out to bring out someone’s private thoughts about someone or something.

What does it mean to draw someone in?

phrasal verb. If you draw someone in or draw them into something you are involved with, you cause them to become involved with it.

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