Do I lose my Italian citizenship if I get divorced?

Do I lose my Italian citizenship if I get divorced?

Italian citizenship obtained by marriage: will you lose it if you divorce? Should you divorce your Italian husband/wife after you obtain Italian citizenship, you will not lose your Italian citizenship for this reason. Thus, it is very important that you do not divorce before you obtain the citizenship decree.

Can you lose Italian citizenship?

A. Citizenship is lost automatically by: any Italian citizen who voluntarily enlists in the armed forces of a foreign country or accepts a government post with a foreign State, despite express prohibition by Italian law (Article 12, paragraph 1, of Law No. 91/92);

Can I get an Italian passport if my wife is Italian?

According to Italian law, spouses of Italian citizens have the right to Italian citizenship, provided that they have a sufficient grasp of the Italian language. This was not always a prerequisite. Italian citizenship can be obtained automatically at birth, reclaimed, or in special circumstances, obtained.

How do I regain my Italian citizenship?

Regaining Italian citizenship

  1. By signing a declaration of regain and having settled or settling, within a year from the declaration, your residency in Italy;
  2. After one year of residency in Italy, unless they renounced.

How long Italian citizenship takes?

How long does it take to get Italian citizenship – Once accepted, it can take up to six months for the Italian Consulate to register the information on your application. You can then apply for an Italian passport. It may take between one and three years to complete the full process.

What are the requirements for Italian citizenship?

you were born in Italy and you reside legally for at least 3 years (article 9,c. 1, lit. A); you have child or grandchild in a straight line of Italian citizens by birth and you live legally in Italy for at least 3 years (article 9,c.

Do I need to speak Italian to get Italian citizenship?

Italian citizenship may be obtained by marriage to an Italian. Also, the marriage must subsist throughout the entire process of applying for citizenship. Furthermore, following Security Decree 113 there is now a requirement to speak Italian to intermediate level.

How long does it take to get Italian citizenship by marriage?

How long does it take to get Italian citizenship by marriage? After eighteen months of marriage to an Italian citizen, you are entitled to apply for citizenship. However, you will need to wait until at least two years after the date of this marriage to obtain citizenship from your local consulate.

Does a baby born in Italy get citizenship?

Italian citizenship is granted by birth through the paternal line, with no limit on the number of generations, or through the maternal line for individuals born after 1 January 1948. An Italian citizen may be born in a country whose citizenship is acquired at birth by all persons born there.

Does Italy have law of soil?

Jus Soli: “by right of the soil”, the principle of citizenship based on place of birth (note: Italy does not have Jus soli).

What nationality is Italy?

Country Nationality Official Language(s)
Germany German German
Greece Greek Greek
Hungary Hungarian Hungarian
Italy Italian Italian

Which language they speak in Italy?


What is difference between Latino and Hispanic?

Are you wondering what the difference is between the terms Hispanic and Latino? While Hispanic usually refers to people with a Spanish-language background, Latino is typically used to identify people who hail from Latin America.

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