Is a Earthworm a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Is a Earthworm a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Both worms and insects are classified under the Kingdom Animalia. The animal kingdom is split into two groups: vertebrate, animals with a backbone, and invertebrate, animals without a backbone. Both worms and insects are invertebrates.

Do earthworms have a skeleton?

Earthworms do not have an internal skeleton as we do, and they do not have a protective hard exoskeleton as does an insect. They are flexible, long bundles of muscle, especially designed for life underground.

What animal has a backbone?

The backbone (or spinal column) is made up of bones known as the vertebrae and hence the animals that have a backbone are called vertebrates. Some examples of vertebrates are mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, amphibians, etc. Correspondingly, the animals that do not possess a backbone are called invertebrates.

What animal has the longest spine?

New research found the longest living animal on Earth with a backbone is – a shark. The research, published in Science magazine, found the Greenland shark is the longest living vertebrate – or animal with a backbone– in the world.

What animals are born alive?

  • Mammals – Almost every mammal gives live birth (except the platypus and the echidna).
  • Reptiles – Most lay eggs, but there are numerous snakes and lizards that give live birth.
  • Fish – A very small percentage of fish are known to give live birth, including some sharks!

Which animal is not born alive?

Explanation: ➢ Eagles are a kind of bird that hatches from the egg and eagles doesn’t give birth alive like from the given choices above which can give birth to alive animals such as dog, whale and pig.

How long is elephant pregnant?

Asian elephant: 18 – 22 months

How many days is a monkey pregnant?

164 days

How long is a lion pregnant?

110 days

What month do lions give birth?

Does are pregnant during the winter and give birth around May and June, when warmer weather helps fawns survive. If lions had periods, lionesses within a pride might get them at roughly the same time.

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