What word is derived from the Dutch word for excellence?

What word is derived from the Dutch word for excellence?

uitstekendheid; voortreffelijkheid; uitnemendheid.

What is the meaning of Plashy?

(Entry 1 of 2) : abounding with pools or puddles down the steep, plashy path they poured— Rudyard Kipling : marshy plashy brink of weedy lake— W. C. Bryant the heron fishes in his plashy pool— Walter de la Mare.

Is Uitwaaien an adjective?

Uitwaaien is a verb, and it is an “untranslatable” Dutch word with no perfect or direct English translation. It is pronounced something like OUT-vine.

How do you use the word harbinger in a sentence?

Harbinger in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Everyone knows the groundhog is the harbinger of a change in seasons.
  2. Whenever I see clouds, I know they are a harbinger of an approaching storm.
  3. The surprisingly chilly day in September is a harbinger of all that winter has to offer.

Is frumious a noun verb adjective or adverb?

[ froo-mee-uhs ] adjective. very angry.

Is frumious a adjective?

MEANING: adjective: Very angry.

What type of word is gyre?

gyre \JYRE\ noun. : a circular or spiral motion or form; especially : a giant circular oceanic surface current.

What part of speech is the word Uffish?


What does Uffish mean in Jabberwocky?

uffish – a state of mind when the voice is gruffish, the manner roughish, and the temper huffish. whiffling – slang term in 19th century meaning “variable and evasive” burbled – variant of “bubble”; can also mean “to perplex, confuse, or muddle”

Is Borogoves a real word?

A thin shabby-looking bird with its feathers sticking out all round, something like a live mop, in the nonsense poem Jabberwocky.

Is Uffish a word?

(nonce word) Grumpy, ill-tempered.

What does Brillig mean?

Brillig: Following the poem, the character of Humpty Dumpty comments: “‘Brillig’ means four o’clock in the afternoon, the time when you begin broiling things for dinner.” According to Mischmasch, it is derived from the verb to bryl or broil.

What is the meaning of Callooh callay?

What does O frabjous day Callooh callay mean? frabjous. Frabjous means “great, wonderful, fabulous,” and is a blend of either fabulous and joyous, or fair and joyous. “O frabjous day!

Why Jabberwocky is a nonsense poem?

”Jabberwocky” is a nonsense poem because most of its words are made up, meaning you can’t find them if you look them up in the dictionary. So if you want to understand the poem, you can’t use a dictionary, or anything else, to tell you what ‘brillig’ is or give you a picture of ‘slithy toves.

Did Alice kill the Jabberwocky?

Close to the end, when all escape, Alice uses the Vorpal Sword to defeat the Jabberwocky and save Underland. The Vorpal sword is also mentioned in the poem “Jabberwocky”.

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