What is imla in Swahili?

What is imla in Swahili?

If you want to learn imla in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Swahili to English. We hope this will help you in learning languages. Here is imla meaning in English: dictation. Dictation in all languages.

What is English imla?

/imalā/ nf. dictation variable noun. Dictation is the speaking or reading aloud of words for someone else to write down.

What is Panther in Swahili?

“panther” in Swahili volume_up. panther {noun} SW. namiri.

How do you say gorilla in Swahili?


English Swahili
gorilla Synonyms: ape, baboon nyani

What is Simba Marara?

Flamboyant city man Tspius Marara aka Simba Marara stirs different emotions on social media after parading his baby mamas. “I have perfected the art of understanding each baby mama, by identifying their interests understanding their emotions and keeping them satisfied especially financially.

What is squirrel in Swahili?

More Swahili words for squirrel. chindi noun. squirrel.

What is Marara English?

: an Australian tree (Weinmannia lachnocarpa) of the family Escalloniaceae that is prominently buttressed at the base and has opposite compound leaves of 3-toothed leaflets and yields a light hard wood.

What does Tembo mean?


What does elephant mean in Greek?

The noun elephant comes from the Latin ‘elephantus’ which was derived from a Greek word meaning ivory or elephant. It was first used in English in the 14th century, replacing the earlier term ‘oliphant’ which came from Old French.

Where did elephants come from?

Elephant ancestors originated in Africa, just like ours. Their descendants, among them mammoths, went out of Africa to inhabit other continents. And in the process they evolved the largest brain of any land animal. It weighs around 5kg, while our own brains weigh 1.4kg.

What do elephants Symbolise?

Elephant Symbolism: Meaning of the Elephant as an Animal Totem. Elephants are traditionally considered a symbol of good luck, wisdom, fertility, and protection. Other cultures see it as an earthly animal, but one with a connection to divinity and ancient knowledge.

What does Phant mean?

syc•o•phant a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.

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