How do you spell 33?

How do you spell 33?

33 in English Words is : thirty-three.

How do u spell 33 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 31-40….French Numbers 31-40.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
32 trente-deux trawnt-duhr
33 trente-trois trawnt-twah
34 trente-quatre trawnt-katr
35 trente-cinq trawnt-sank

How do you say 4 in Swedish?

Schack is an exception and it is never pronounced with German sch like in schwartz or English sh like in shoot….Swedish numbers 1-100 Posted by Tibor on Apr 7, 2010 in Swedish Language.

0 noll [nɔl:]
2 Två [tvo:]
3 Tre [tre:]
4 Fyra [fy:ra]
5 Fem [fem]

How do you count Norwegian?

How to count to ten in Norwegian

  1. en / ett.
  2. to.
  3. tre (tray)
  4. fire (fear-uh)
  5. fem.
  6. seks.
  7. sju (shoo) / syv (seev)
  8. åtte (ott-uh)

How do you say 8 in Japanese?

Eight (8) is 八 (hachi, pronounced “hah-chee”). Nine (9) is 九 (kyuu, pronounced “kyoo”).

How do British people say 8?

our “wodder.” 8. Mobile = Actually, the Brits pronounce this as it is spelled, mo-BILE, with bile rhyming with “while.” Americans pronounce it MO-bul.

How do you say 8 in British?

Traditional IPA: eɪt. 1 syllable: “AYT”…Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of ‘eight’:

  1. Break ‘eight’ down into sounds: [AYT] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
  2. Record yourself saying ‘eight’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

How is a pronounced in English?

It can be pronounced as a long “a” as in ate or as “uh” in above. As a letter of the English alphabet, the “a” is a vowel that provides substance and definition to the words in which it occurs.

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