Thanks to the information that happened to me recently Rodrigo Juan García, of the Permanent Commission Extended the Portal Innova-Red Innova, I have been able to know that they have initiated a “dialogue on other educational policy” (POPE, see Manifest For another educational policy), through videodebates broadcast live on the network Innovates and that can also be deferred in time.
In the first, the last 26 of February, participated July Rogero Anaya (Open School, POPE), Victor Manuel Rodríguez (FUHEM), and myself, Mariano Fernández Enguita (POPE, UCM, Innova). It was discussed mainly on the point 3 of the Manifesto of the POPE.
- The school is the backbone of the citizenship.
- Our peculiar history has bequeathed to us a dual system, and the government issues alarming signs of disdain for the public school and support to private education and confession.
- The duty of the authorities is to articulate a public system of equal education and effective with an effective and efficient management of the subsystem state and on clear rules, cohesive to the private.
First Videodebate “educational policy” (POPE)
Below you can see the schemas that Fernández Enguita showed on the screen:
Supporting Documentation
- Manifesto ‘By another Education Policy’. FORUM OF SEVILLE
- Site ‘For other Educational Policy’ FORUM OF SEVILLE.
- The assault on education: Privatization and conservatism. A. VIÑAO.
- School Public and Private in Spain: Segregation rampant. M. F. ENGUITA
- Is public the public school? M. F. ENGUITA
- In defense of public education at risk (2002). M. F. ENGUITA
- The reflection on the caracacter public, and concerted plan of the educational project. Public school concert.FUNHEM.
- Education Director of the FUNHEM. VICTOR RODRIGUEZ.
- The MRPs and the struggle against globalization lberal. Mª ÁNGELES LLORENTE.
- III . Congress-the Signs of identity of the Public School (1996). MRPs
- The quality of the public school. To retrieve the call. JULY ROGERO
- Reform and change in education in difficult times. DIALOGUES OF ADEME.
- New ways of thinking about education and its change. RODRIGO J. GARCIA.
- Experiences innovative teaching in public education. Blog SCHOOLS NETWORK.