Where is the general store in FarmVille?
The General Store is located on the lower left of your game screen. You can find Crops, Animals, Workshops, and Decorations for sale in the General Store. The first Workshop you will place on your farm is the Windmill. Open the General Store to the Workshop tab, find the Windmill, hold it and drag it onto your farm.
How do you store items in FarmVille 2?
The Back Porch
- Tap the Back Porch icon to store it.
- The Back Porch is the last icon in the bottom of the menu.
- The other option is for you to click on the item from the Farm House in the Back Porch. Once you tap on a stored item, it will automatically go to the General Store which shows the item.
How do I get the crop silo in FarmVille 2?
At level 19 you can purchase the Silo for 25 Coins. The silo begins with 20 spots and can be upgraded 10 spots at a time. The silo only holds ingredients from crops and animals. It does not store recipes, foraged items, or upgrade items such as shovels, barn nails or padlocks.
How do I increase my barn storage in Farmville 2?
When you start you have 50 spaces in your Barn. You can upgrade the Barn to increase its capacity. Upgrades will require a combination of Barn Padlocks, Barn Nails, Shovels, and sometimes other items such as Coins or Tin. Keys can be substituted for the other items to upgrade faster.
What are light bulbs for on Farmville 2?
A Light Bulb is an item sometimes found by Foraging at Mallard Mill. They are used to upgrade the Back Porch Storage area. They cannot be sold and they occupy space in your Barn.
How do you get barn nails in Farmville 2?
You’ll need various goods from around your farm to upgrade the Barn. You can find Barn Nails at Grandma’s Glade. You can find Barn Padlocks at Pappy’s Pond and Merryweather Mine.
What is the fastest way to get keys in FarmVille 2?
Visit your friends’ farms to earn coins and bonuses In FarmVille 2 you can visit your friends farms and earn free cash, and sometimes even Keys. Do this daily and spread some Friendship Fertilizer in order to reap the rewards.