Is Lisof registered?

Is Lisof registered?

LISOF has the reputation of being the most progressive Fashion Design School and Retail Education Institution in Africa. LISOF is registered with the Department of Education as a Private Higher Education Institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Registration Certificate no. 2002/he07/002).

Is Lisof a private institution?

LISOF is a private higher education institution fully accredited by the South African Council of Higher Education and, by being the first institution to launch BA and BCom degrees in fashion in the South Africa, a pioneer in fashion education.

Is Stadio internationally Recognised?

Southern Business School, part of Stadio Holdings, is one of the leading private higher education institutions in Southern Africa offering higher education through distance learning. This internationally recognised Business School creates leaders in the fields of Management, Business and Commerce, Law and Policing.

Is Lisof internationally recognized?

The School of Fashion, formerly LISOF is the only South African Fashion school internationally accredited with the British Accreditation Council (BAC). Our alumni populate the world in the exciting world of fashion design, fashion media and within the dynamic fashion buying and business industries.

Which course can I study with higher certificate?

With a Higher Certificate Pass, you can study any of the following National Qualification Courses:

  • Business Management.
  • Educare.
  • Financial Management.
  • Human Resource Management.
  • Legal Secretary.
  • Management Assistant.
  • Marketing Management.

Can you go to university with a higher certificate?

The type of pass level you obtained at the end of matric determines whether you will study at a university, university of technology or TVET college. If you passed with a Higher Certificate Pass, you can attend any of the following tertiary institutions after you complete Grade 12: A bridging course at a TVET college.

Can I apply for a degree with a higher certificate?

Completing a relevant Higher Certificate will enable you to meet the requirements for a diploma or degree and you can then apply for your next qualification during your last semester of study for the Higher Certificate.

Does Higher Certificate qualify for teaching?

The Higher Certificate in Education is an access route for students into the Bachelor of Education (BEd). If you have enrolled for a Higher Certificate in ABET and you want to become a teacher, you can enrol for a BA and thereafter, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Senior and FET Phase).

Is Higher Certificate a fail?

Levels of achievement explained

B Bachelors Pass
D Diploma
HC Higher Certificate
F Fail

What does C mean in matric results?

Matric results pass symbols Code 7 (A): 80 – 100% (Outstanding achievement) Code 6 (B): 70 – 79% (Meritorious achievement) Code 5 (C): 60 – 69% (Substantial achievement) Code 4 (D): 50 – 59% (Moderate achievement)

What is the pass rate for matric 2020?


What percentage is a distinction in matric?


Which course can I do without maths?

Here is a list of distance learning courses you can study without maths:

  • Bookkeeping and Accounting Studies.
  • Forensics and Investigations.
  • Policing, Forensics and Investigation Studies.
  • Office Administration and Secretarial Studies.
  • Business Management Studies.
  • Beauty Therapy Studies.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Studies.

Can I take science without maths?

Science Without Maths If science interests you but maths is not really your thing, you can study Biology instead of Maths. The PCB stream opens up a wide range of career options for you in medicine, allied medicine, psychology, biological and life sciences, etc. Maths is also not compulsory for NEET.

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