How is fire harmful to humans?

How is fire harmful to humans?

During a home fire, there’s an increased level of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide as well as damaging levels of chemical and thermal irritants. These irritants can permanently damage a person’s or animal’s respiratory system and cause death.

What is the most dangerous part of a fire?

Smoke can be the most dangerous part of a house fire.

What does purple mean on fire map?

National Weather Service map shows purple for windy weather forecast for first time in Southern California. He says that means winds could blow at 80 mph, a speed reaching hurricane strength.

What is a flag fire?

When warnings are issued, officials know to curtail planned burns and to be on the lookout for wildfires. Red Flag Warnings alert fire managers on federal lands to conditions that are highly unfavorable for prescribed burns and that may lead to especially dangerous wildfire growth.

What do you do in a red flag warning?

What is a Red Flag Warning? During a Red Flag Warning you should ALWAYS follow the instructions provided by your local fire department and be prepared to take action if a fire develops in your area. Avoid using lawn mowers on dry vegetation.

How bad is a red flag warning?

A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times extreme caution is urged by all residents, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire. A Fire Weather Watch is one level below a warning, but fire danger is still high.

What does the purple flag mean?

dangerous marine life

What does the purple American flag mean?

The symbol is used by the law enforcement profession and the public alike and has come to symbolize the relationship law enforcement has in the communities as the protectors of fellow civilians.

What does smoke blacks mean?

Thick, black smoke indicates heavy fuels that are not being fully consumed. At times, black smoke can be an indicator that a manmade material is burning such as tires, vehicles or a structure. As a general rule, the darker the smoke, the more volatile the fire is.

What flag is red black and green?

Pan-African flag

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