What is the genotype of a white-eyed male fly?

What is the genotype of a white-eyed male fly?

What is the genotype of a tan-bodied, white-eyed male? The male is hemizygous for both the recessive (white) eye color allele and dominant (tan) body color allele. His genotype is Xwy+ Y.

What is the genotypic ratio of white-eyed Drosophila?

Specific ratios of white-eyed: wild-type males (i.e. <0.4, or >0.8) improve copulation success in white-eyed flies, if two strains (including white-eyed males and females, and wild-type males and females) are present together33.

What is the genotype of a female fruit fly?

Possible female genotypes Since the female fly has a yellow body, and the tan body color is the dominant allele, she will be homozygous recessive for yellow body color. Therefore, the female fly will be homozygous for both traits. The genotype is Xw+y Xw+y.

What color is a fruit fly?

Color: Dull tan to brownish yellow or brownish black; eyes usually bright red. Larvae are nearly white, except mouth hooks which are black and the tips of the abdominal breathing pores which are yellowish.

What is the chance that the female offspring will be white eyed?

What is the chance that there will be an offspring with white eyes? 50% or 244 Page 2 6. Hemophilia is a disease caused by a gene found on the X chromosome. Therefore, it is referred to as a sex-linked disease.

What is the genotype of the white eye female?

Genotypes and phenotypes of offspring if the female is heterozygous. Half of the male and half of the female offspring of a heterozygous female would be white-eyed; the other half would be red-eyed. Therefore the female must be a heterozygous, Xw+ Xw.

Which of the following is are required for a female fruit fly to be born with white eyes?

1. In fruit flies, the gene for white eyes is sex-linked recessive. (R) is red and (r) is white. Cross a white- eyed female with a normal red-eyed male.

Are the wings and eyes Colour genes linked?

Both the genes for eye color and size of the wing in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is located on the X chromosome of the fly. It is interesting to note that the recombination of certain linked genes, produced due to the chance event of crossing over, plays a very significant role in evolution.

Are Wings dominant in fruit flies?

In fruit flies, the dominant V allele produces long wings, whereas the recessive v allele produces vestigial wings.

Is wild type always dominant?

The wild-type allele is intermediate in the dominance hierarchy: it appears recessive in combination with a yellow allele, but dominant in combination with a black allele.

What are Apterous wings?

Apterous is a LIM-homeodomain protein that confers dorsal compartment identity in Drosophila wing development. Apterous activity requires formation of a complex with a co-factor, Chip/dLDB. Apterous activity is regulated during wing development by dLMO, which competes with Apterous for complex formation.

What is the genotype of a white eyed male fly?

What is the genotype of a white eyed male fly?

What is the genotype of a tan-bodied, white-eyed male? The male is hemizygous for both the recessive (white) eye color allele and dominant (tan) body color allele. His genotype is Xwy+ Y.

What is the genotype of the male fly?

Single-Gene Test Crosses In order to set up your test cross, you must first realize that the male fly has one of two possible genotypes: Ee or EE. Because the male exhibits the dominant body color phenotype, you must cross it with a female with the homozygous recessive phenotype and genotype.

What would be the genotype of a fruit fly with white eyes?

Like humans, Drosophila males have an XY chromosome pair, and females are XX. In flies, the wild-type eye color is red (XW) and it is dominant to white eye color (Xw) (Figure 1). Drosophila males lack a second allele copy on the Y chromosome; that is, their genotype can only be XWY or XwY.

Why do flies have white eyes?

They have a defect in their “white” gene, which normally produces the red pigments in the eye. In these flies, the white gene only works partially, producing fewer red pigments than it should. These flies have white eyes.

Is white a mutated gene?

That showed that whites with northern and western European ancestry have a mutated version of the gene. Skin color is a reflection of the amount and distribution of the pigment melanin, which in humans protects against damaging ultraviolet rays but in other species is also used for camouflage or other purposes.

Is wild type dominant?

The wild-type allele is intermediate in the dominance hierarchy: it appears recessive in combination with a yellow allele, but dominant in combination with a black allele.

Why were all the white-eyed flies male?

Most of the white-eyed flies were male. Morgan hypothesized that, in his breeding experiment, the first generation of flies contained males only with white eyes because the gene controlling eye color was on the X chromosome. Males displayed the white eye trait because the trait was present on their only X chromosome.

What is a white gene?

The white (w +) gene in Drosophila, discovered in 1910 by Thomas Hunt Morgan16, encodes a subunit of an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, which loads up pigment granules and deposits the content to pigment cells in the compound eyes, ocelli, Malpighian tubules and testis17, 18.

Is a mutant?

In biology, and especially in genetics, a mutant is an organism or a new genetic character arising or resulting from an instance of mutation, which is generally an alteration of the DNA sequence of the genome or chromosome of an organism. It is a characteristic that would not be observed naturally in a specimen.

Do Father and son have the same DNA?

When reproduction occurs, chromosomes from the mother and the father combine to form the chromosomes for the offspring. Each son receives DNA for his Y chromosome from his father. This DNA is not mixed with that of the mother, and it is identical to that of the father, unless a mutation occurs.

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