What are the responsibilities of a forensic investigator?

What are the responsibilities of a forensic investigator?

Forensic investigators are members of law enforcement that help secure a crime scene and collect evidence. Forensic investigators might be responsible for initially arriving to the scene and securing it from the public, as well as collecting evidence in a secure way.

Who is responsible for crime scene investigation?

Crime scene investigators (CSIs) go by many names, including evidence technician, crime scene technician, forensic investigator, crime scene analyst, criminalistics officer and more. In the past, most CSIs were trained police officers.

What is another word for have been?

What is another word for have been?

was were
seemed appeared
came to be had been
turned out to be has been
wus wast

What is the meaning of could ve?

The definition of could’ve is something that potentially might have happened if it weren’t for another alternative. An example of could’ve is for a student to say that he had the potential to do his homework instead of choosing to go to the basketball game. verb.

What is a word for righting a wrong?

Some common synonyms of rectify are amend, correct, emend, redress, reform, remedy, and revise. While all these words mean “to make right what is wrong,” rectify implies a more essential changing to make something right, just, or properly controlled or directed.

Which word has the same root word as especially?


What is another word for specially?

What is another word for specially?

especially particularly
notably specifically
exclusively distinctively
expressly uniquely
in specie precisely

What word is especially?

adverb. particularly; exceptionally; markedly: Be especially watchful.

How do you use especially?

Use especially when something stands out from all the others, and you want the meaning of “particularly,” as in these examples:

  1. She can’t be sure she will win, especially at this early stage of the campaign.
  2. The appetizers and especially the soup were delicious.

Where do you put Especially in a sentence?

Especially sentence example

  • I enjoy traveling, especially to very different places.
  • A person could change a lot in a few years, especially when they were that young.
  • He had some catching up to do, especially with Quinn.

Do you put comma after especially?

A comma is used before especially when especially is used a set of a parenthetical clause usually at the end of a sentence… . No comma is used when especially is not being used to set of a parenthetical clause. eg_That was an especially fine performance.

Is especially correct grammar?

especially/ specially The words especially and specially have just a hair’s breadth of difference between them. Both can be used to mean “particularly.” Especially tends to be more formal, while specially tends to be more informal: But our words have finer points to them that are worthy of being understood.

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