How do you cite multiple years in APA?

How do you cite multiple years in APA?

Place in-press citations last. Give the authors’ surnames once; for each subsequent work, give only the date. Identify works by the same author (or by the same two or more authors in the same order) with the same publication date by the suffixes a, b, c, and so forth, after the year; repeat the year.

What publication date do I use in APA?

For magazines, newspapers, and newsletters, give the year and exact date (month, month and day, or season) of publication, separated by a comma. (2016, January). (2016, March 7). (2016, Summer).

Which publication year do you cite?

For books, use the year of publication in the citation. The date (year) follows the publisher name preceded by a comma. If the year does not appear on the title page, look on the verso page (the back of the title page). Usually, the latest copyright date is cited.

When to include the year in citations appearing more than once in a paragraph APA?

According to the APA manual: When the author’s name appears in the narrative, the year can be omitted in repeated citations… when multiple narrative citations to a work appear within a single paragraph (pp. 254, 265).

Should you cite the same source multiple times?

In paragraphs that contain one overall instance of paraphrased information, “cite the source in the first sentence in which it is relevant and do not repeat the citation in subsequent sentences as long as the source remains clear and unchanged” (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 254).

How many authors are needed to use et al?

Only when a work has six or more authors should the first in-text citation consist of the first author followed by et al. With five or fewer authors, all the author surnames should be spelled out at first mention.

What is full form of et al?

Academic writing is full of little conventions that may seem opaque to the uninitiated. One of these is the Latin phrase et al., an abbreviation meaning “and others.” It is used to shorten lists of author names in text citations to make repeated referencing shorter and simpler.

How many authors use et al APA 7?

A Work by Three or More Authors In et al., et should not be followed by a period. Only “al” should be followed by a period. Since et al. is plural, it should always be a substitute for more than one name. In the case that et al. would stand in for just one author, write the author’s name instead.

Can you use et al in a greeting?

Et al., the abbreviation of et alii, is about as friendly as a flu shot. They don’t fit well together. The use of et al. is not standard in greetings, so people will stumble over it, wondering whether they missed an important new rule somewhere.

What is the proper way to write et al?

matter what, “et” is never followed by a period. Only “al” is followed by a period. That means that “et al.” is the only proper spelling of the phrase.

What does et al stand for in citation?

and others

What does et al mean in legal terms?

How does et al work?

The abbreviation et al. means and others. It is used when citing an item that has multiple authors. Here are the guidelines from APA: When a work has two authors, cite both names every time the reference occurs in the text.

Does APA have a comma before et al?

When there are two authors, give both names as well as the date in parentheses. When there are six or more authors, use only the first author’s name and et al, placing a comma before the date.

How do you write et al in APA 7?

Use only the first author’s last name followed by “et al.”, for every use of the reference. List all authors up to 19 names. For 21 or more authors, include the first 19, then an ellipsis – – followed by the last author’s name.

How do you use et al in APA 7?

Et al.: “et al.” is used in the first in-text citation for works with three or more authors. Up to 20 authors cited: In the reference list, give the surnames and initials for up to 20 authors. Website names: Website names are now included as well as the webpage title.

What is the difference between APA 6th edition and APA 7th edition?

Essentially not much has changed to the way citations are formatted in APA 7th, so if you are comfortable with writing citations according to the 6th edition rules then it should be a smooth transition into the 7th edition.

Do you use retrieved from in APA 7?

Additionally, APA 7th edition no longer requires the use of “Retrieved from” before URLs or DOIs; special exceptions, however, are made for resources that are unarchived.

Which APA Edition is currently in use as guide in writing academic papers?


  • A.6th edition.
  • Seventh Edition.

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