Are red tail sharks aggressive?
Are Red Tail Sharks Aggressive? Yes, these fish are aggressive and territorial with tankmates. Choose semi-aggressive fish to go in a community tank that contains a Red Tail Shark.
Do red tail sharks eat other fish?
The red tail shark is a territorial fish that will chase other fish away from their territory or become aggressive during feeding. Feeding: The red tailed black shark is an omnivore scavenger. This freshwater tropical fish will eat just about anything that you put into the tank.
What fish can I put with my red tail shark?
Some good tank mates include Red Eye, Serpae, Platies, Black Skirt Tetras, Swordtails, Mollies, and other Danios and Barbs. They are even considered to be among the best Red Tail Shark tank mates.
Can red tail sharks live with Oscars?
Basically the oscar may end up eating it, or he may not. So there is some risk involved, but the oscar should be fine either way. As long as you’re prepared for the RTS to get eaten, then I wouldn’t sweat it. It’d make a nice snack for Bobo.
Can Sharks live with Oscars?
You should also bear in mind that Oscars can reach 14inches or more, and Sharks can reach up to afoot. Also, the space that you will provide, should be large enough, such that Sharks can hide in dark spots when they are being chased by Oscar. Aside from the gallon size, you can possibly put these two fish together.
Can Silver Shark Live with Oscar fish?
Therefore, I don’t recommend keeping bala sharks and oscars together. Silver dollar fish, just like oscar fish are semi-aggressive. They can grow to about 6 inches in size, which is still small considered to the size of a full-grown bala shark.
How do I know if my Oscar is dying?
How do you tell if your Oscar fish is dying or in need of medical attention? The answer to this is to look for the telltale signs such as fish feeding, behavior, swimming, and general physical appearance. A sick fish will definitely look and act differently from a healthy fish.
What is the lifespan of an Oscar fish?
10 – 20 years