What is the record high temperature for Fresno California?

What is the record high temperature for Fresno California?

115 degrees

What is the hottest month of the year in Fresno California?

The hottest day of the year is July 29, with an average high of 99°F and low of 68°F. The cool season lasts for 3.1 months, from November 20 to February 22, with an average daily high temperature below 64°F. The coldest day of the year is December 30, with an average low of 39°F and high of 55°F.

How hot did it get in Fresno today?

Upcoming 5 hours

Now 1:00 am 4:00 am
88 °F 83 °F 78 °F

What climate zone is Fresno CA?

Hardiness Zone 9

Does Fresno have opportunity zones?

The City of Fresno announced the launch of Opportunity Fresno, a branded “prospectus” for the city and county of Fresno that showcases the pipeline of investible business and development projects located in Opportunity Zones (OZ) in the City of Fresno and Fresno County.

What zone is Central Valley California?

ZONE 9: Thermal belts of California’s Central Valley As cited in the description of Zone 8, the biggest readily apparent difference between Zones 8 and 9 is that Zone 9, a thermal belt, is a safer climate for citrus than Zone 8, which contains cold-air basins.

What zone is the Bay Area for planting?

Although the Bay Area broadly falls under zone 10a and 10b of the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, the localized weather pattern and microclimates differ widely across this region.

What are the growing zones in California?

Because the state is so large, it is actually further broken down into Northern and Southern planting zones. A northern half of a California planting zone can be anywhere from 5a to 10b. The southern region has zones 5a to 11a. Planting zones help determine when and what to plant throughout the year.

When can I plant in Zone 9b?

As a general rule, most vegetables should be started indoors 6-8 weeks before your last frost date. In zone 9b, this would be around January 1st – January 18th. Or if you’re directing seeding vegetables into the garden, most seeds should be sown after your last frost date.

What is the difference between zone 9a and 9b?

Plants in zone 9a will tolerate minimum temperatures of no lower than 20 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit. In 9b, the lowest temperature for flowers or plants should be 25 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Zone 9 occupies most of the lower states including California, Arizona, Texas, and Florida, to name a few.

What can I plant in Zone 9b?

Zone 9 Planting Guide

  • Beets.
  • Carrots.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Collards.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Eggplant.
  • Endive.
  • Kale.

What plants are best for Zone 9b?

Hardiness Zone: 9

  • Air Plants.
  • Amaryllis.
  • Artichokes.
  • Asparagus.
  • Astilbe.
  • Basil.
  • Bee Balm.
  • Beets.

What are the best fruit trees for Zone 9?

Zone 9 Fruit Tree Varieties

  • Owardi satsuma mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata ‘Owari’)
  • Calamondin (Citrus mitis)
  • Meyer lemon (Citrus x meyeri)
  • Marumi kumquat (Citrus japonica ‘Marumi’)
  • Trifoliate orange (Citrus trifoliata)
  • Giant pummelo (Citrus pummel)
  • Sweet Clementine (Citrus reticulata ‘Clementine’)

What perennials grow in zone 9b?

Perennials for Shady Gardens Zone 9

  • Bigroot Geranium.
  • Toad Lily.
  • Ajuga.
  • Ajuga.
  • Bleeding Heart.
  • Hostas.
  • Lungwort.
  • Golden/Yellow Corydalis.

What grows well in Zone 10?

Spinach, beets, carrots, cabbage, and almost all leafy greens will thrive in the cool, but not freezing temperatures of Zone 10. Carrots, winter greens, and purple sprouting broccoli — all cool-season crops perfect for fall planting.

What is the difference between Zone 9 and 10?

Zone 9 Temperature Range The temperature of each zone is determined by the average minimum temperature during winter months. The hardiness zones are separated by 10°F. This means that Zone 9 is 10°F colder than Zone 10 and Zone 8 is 10°F colder than Zone 9.

What hardiness zone is 10?


Zone To
10 a +35 °F (1.7 °C)
b +40 °F (4.4 °C)
11 a +45 °F (7.2 °C)
b +50 °F (10 °C)

Where is zone 9/11 in the US?

Zones 9 to 11 in the United States encompass such areas as Texas, California, Louisiana, Florida, and other southern areas of the states. Their characteristics regarding water vary, however, which is also a consideration when choosing plants.

Where is Zone 7 in the United States?

USDA zone 7 contains southern Oklahoma, a chunk of northern Texas, southern New Mexico, central Arizona, southern Utah and southern and western areas of Nevada. The zone extends into eastern California and west-central Oregon/Washington.

What are the 4 climatic zones of the world?

The world has been divided into different climate zones. We have four main zones and two of these have sub zones. The basis of this division is variations in climate, vegetation, air pressure and the average temperature. The main zones are: arctic, temperate, subtropical and tropical.

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