How is an electric arc furnace charged?

How is an electric arc furnace charged?

Charging. The charge consists solely of scrap Steel and Iron. The top of the Furnace swivels to the side to allow the charge to be entered. The top of the Furnace is then put back in place and the Electrodes are lowered close to the surface of the metal, and the electric current is allowed to pass through.

What is the most effective method of sterilization?

Classical sterilization techniques using saturated steam under pressure or hot air are the most reliable and should be used whenever possible. Other sterilization methods include filtration, ionizing radiation (gamma and electron-beam radiation), and gas (ethylene oxide, formaldehyde).

Which method is usually used to sterilize most agar media?

autoclave to sterilize the tube media. autoclave the agar medium for plate production and then pour into sterile petri dishes.

Which is more effective autoclave or dry heat?

As the temperature and pressure are increased, the time required to sterilize items can be greatly reduced. Compared with dry heat sterilization, steam sterilization is the more efficient method because the moisture in steam is a good conductor of heat and is superior at penetrating the load.

Which way of prevention is sterilization?

Sterilization destroys all microorganisms on the surface of an article or in a fluid to prevent disease transmission associated with the use of that item.

Which are examples of using dry heat to sterilize materials?

A common dry heat sterilization method used in the microbiology laboratory is:

  • autoclaving used culture tubes.
  • tyndallization of cultures.
  • flaming the inoculating loop.
  • heating agar in boiling water.

What is autoclave principle?

An autoclave is a device that works on the principle of moist heat sterilisation, wherein saturated steam is generated under pressure in order to kill microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and even heat-resistant endospores from various types of instruments.

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