What are crested geckos known for?

What are crested geckos known for?

The Crested Gecko is a colorful lizard famous for crests that run from head-to-tail. They have small spines above their eyes that look like eyelashes. This species is known for licking their eyes, their expressive faces and can only be found on the islands of New Caledonia.

What makes crested geckos unique?

One of the newer traits in crested geckos are larger white spots, usually clustered around the dorsal area, so that it appears that the dorsum is “dripping” white spots down the body of the gecko. It is hoped that white spots and drippy dorsal areas are further developed as a trait or morph.

Do Crested Geckos have personalities?

Monitor the behavior of your crested geckos Crested geckos have different “personalities”. Some will match with each other while others will not. Although female crested geckos will usually be friendly towards each other, they can get into a fight.

How do you tell if your crested gecko likes you?

You will be able to tell if your Crested Gecko is comfortable around you by how they interact with you. Your Gecko will look up at you and crawl around on you. They might even jump to you, don’t worry though, if they jump away from you. This is their normal behavior, and it means they are quite happy and content.

How often should I handle my crested gecko?

Crested geckos can be handled several times a week. If your gecko starts running away or if they display other stressed characteristics, put them back in their cage, and try again another time. You can handle your gecko for fifteen to twenty minutes a day.

Why is my crested gecko jumping at the glass?

If it’s the mating season, some of the behaviors that you will associate with aggression are actually its attempts to find a mate. For example, if your crested gecko bites your finger, what it’s actually doing could be the mating dance. It will then start to squeak and jump at the glass because it wants to find a mate.

Do crested geckos get bored?

Nope, they don’t get bored or depressed. Other reptiles may benefit from and enjoy time outside of their homes but basically crested geckos just kind of.. well, this is pretty accurate. They can get stressed from poor tank conditions and overhandling.

Is my crested gecko sick?

A healthy crested gecko will be lively and alert when handled. It should have a clear ear vent and nose, smooth skin, and adults should have a little heft to them. Sunken eyes and wrinkly skin could be a sign of dehydration, and an extremely lethargic gecko might be sick.

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