What GPS do you use for geocaching?

What GPS do you use for geocaching?

What Is The Best GPS Device for Geocaching?

Top Pick Garmin eTrex 30x 010-01508-10 Handheld Navigator Best GPS device for Geocaching Simple, compact & intuitive High-Res color screen
Garmin GPSMAP 64st Best high end GPS device Long lasting dual battery pack Excellent screen resolution

Do you need a GPS for geocaching?

For geocaching, an expensive and elaborate GPS device is not necessary. At the simplest level, you will need a GPS device for which you can easily enter waypoints. A device should also be easy to use, accessible, and durable.

Can you use Google Maps for geocaching?

The Geocaching Google Earth Viewer allows you to see up to 500 geocaches within a particular map view. Additionally, a maximum of 500 cache listings will be shown on the map at any given time. To get all the caches in the area you will need to zoom to a level that shows less than 500 listings.

How do I get GPS coordinates for geocaching?

View actual coordinates in the Geocaching® app: 1. Select Waypoints from the cache details page. 2….Entering solved coordinates in the Geocaching® app for Mystery Caches:

  1. Choose a Mystery cache and tap Start.
  2. Select Enter Solved Coordinates.
  3. Input new coordinates and save.

How do I get accurate GPS coordinates?

In case you want to know the coordinates of a location, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Maps.
  2. Next, you have to right-click on the location on the map.
  3. Now click on “What’s here?” You will get a card at the bottom with exact coordinates.

What do you leave behind when geocaching?

These are some ideas for what to leave behind! Geocaching is a great way to pass the time and explore new places while on vacation….10 Trinkets You Can Put In A Geocache

  • 3 Toy Soldiers.
  • 4 Coins.
  • 5 Jewelry.
  • 6 Disposable Rain Ponchos.
  • 7 Kid’s Meal Toys.
  • 8 Keychains.
  • 9 Trading Stones.
  • 10 Small Compasses.

What should you leave in a geocache?

There are just a few essentials you’ll want to bring along on your geocaching adventures. A pencil for taking notes and signing the log when you find the box, your phone or other device for GPS tracking, and inexpensive treasures to leave in the box are really all you need.

What state is home to the oldest surviving geocache?

The Nine Oldest Active Caches (shared, public)

  1. GC12 5/12/2000 by Jerry Connelly (GC12) – Oregon USA. 12-May-2000. GC28.
  2. Beverly by Robert Reindl (GC28) – Illinois USA. 13-May-2000. GC3E.
  3. Lane Cove by Paul Edwards (GC3E) – New South Wales, Australia. 18-May-2000. GC46.
  4. Geocache by Kevin Anderson (Wellington) GC46.
  5. The Spot.

What are some tips to practice good geocaching etiquette?

Always pack a pen to make sure you’re ready to sign your Geocaching username and the date. Leave No Trace – Be kind to the geocaching game board, which happens to be the entire world. Make sure to Cache In Trash Out (CITO) when you geocache: pick up litter along the way and don’t leave anything behind.

What kind of cache should I look for on my first adventure?

We suggest choosing a 1/1 difficulty and terrain rating for your first geocache find so that you can learn how geocaches are placed. Remember, geocaches are hidden but not buried. Consult the surrounding maps of the area. Is this an urban or rural cache and how will this change your preparation?

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