Why was cereal created?
An American invention, breakfast cereal began as a digestive aid, acquired religious overtones, became a sugary snack and now toggles between health food and sweet indulgence. Throughout that history, it has mirrored changes in the world beyond the breakfast table.
Is cereal junk food?
Breakfast cereals are highly processed, often packed with added sugar and refined carbs. Their packages regularly have misleading health claims. If you eat cereal, read the ingredients list and approach health claims with skepticism. The best cereals are high in fiber and low in sugar.
What is the most sold cereal?
Honey Nut Cheerios
What cereal has lowest sugar?
RANKED: These are the breakfast cereals with the least sugar
- Crispix: 3 g.
- Special K: 3 g.
- Frosted Mini Wheats: 2.64 g.
- Rice Krispies: 2.4 g.
- Kellogg’s Corn Flakes: 2.25 g.
- Kix: 1.8 g. Rebecca Harrington/Tech Insider.
- Rice Chex: 1.5 g. Rebecca Harrington/Tech Insider.
- Cheerios: 0.75 g. Rebecca Harrington/Tech Insider.
Can you live on Rice Krispies?
A young woman says she lives on almost nothing but Rice Krispies – and insists she is still healthier than most people. Natalie Swindells, 26, eats four bowls of the cereal every day. Although she consumes fewer than half of the recommended 2,000 calories for women Miss Swindells still has an active lifestyle.
Are Rice Krispies high in sugar?
Of the two that were not high in sugar, Rice Krispies had a medium level of sugar, while Weetabix was the only breakfast cereal that is specifically promoted to children to have a low level of sugar. The cereal highest in added sugar was Kellogg’s Frosties, which is 37% sugar.
Are rice cakes bad for you?
Rice cakes are a high glycemic index food, along with things like crackers, bagels, cakes, doughnuts, croissants, and white bread. Eating a lot of these foods may raise your risk of some health conditions. Other concerns. Certain rice cakes, like those coated in chocolate, have a lower nutritional value.
What is the healthiest chocolate cereal?
Grab a spoon.
- Alpen Muesli. Alpen.
- Barbara’s Peanut Butter Puffins. Barbara’s.
- Bob’s Red Mill Quick Cooking Steel Cut Oats.
- OH-mazing Granola.
- Earnest Eats Coconut Warrior Protein + Probiotic Oatmeal Cup.
- Kashi GOLEAN Cinnamon Crisp Cereal.
- KIND Dark Chocolate Whole Grain Clusters.
- Love Grown Power O’s Original.
What fast food is healthiest?
That said, here are 21 healthier entree alternatives from popular fast-food chains:
- KFC Honey BBQ Sandwich.
- KFC Tender Roast Sandwich (without sauce)
- Chick-fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich.
- Hardee’s Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich.
- Carl’s Jr Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich.
- Wendy’s Ultimate Grill Sandwich.