What fish can live with guppies in a 10 gallon tank?

What fish can live with guppies in a 10 gallon tank?

So, let’s take a look at the best freshwater fish for a 10-gallon tank.

  • Celestial Pearl Danios. Celestial Pearl Danios (Celestichthys margaritatus) are very peaceful fish that are easy to care for.
  • Golden Dwarf Barbs.
  • Pygmy Corydoras.
  • Guppies.
  • Betta Fish.
  • Dwarf Gourami.

What fish goes well with guppies?

If you want to house your guppies with other fish, here are 15 fish that are compatible with guppies:

  • Swordtails. Swordtail Fish – Wojciech J.
  • Platies. Platy Fish.
  • Mollies. Molly Fish.
  • Cory Catfish. Cory Catfish.
  • Honey Gouramis. Honey Gourami (source)
  • Harlequin Rasboras.
  • Cardinal Tetra.
  • Bristlenose Pleco.

How many guppies can I put in a 10 gallon?

An adult guppy can reach up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm), without counting their tail fins. So in 10 gallons of water you could place roughly 7 adult guppies (10 gallon / 1.5 inches = 6.66).

What fish should I put in my 10 gallon tank?

Top 10 Fish for a 10-Gallon Tank Dwarf Gourami. Fancy Guppy. Betta Fish. Zebra Danio.

What is the biggest fish you can put in a 10 gallon tank?

A Betta. In fact that’s the only fish you can comfortably keep in a 10 gallon tank. Maybe a dwarf puffer fish but those are not for beginners. You could also consider a frog, some cherry or ghost shrimp, or some snails.

How do you cook fish if you hate fish?

How to Make Fish For People Who Don’t Like Fish

  1. Wrap It In Bacon 🥓 Bacon makes everything better.
  2. Hide it in a Cake. Cake is delicious.
  3. Choose a White Fish. Some fish tastes fishier than other fish.
  4. Use Lemon 🍋 Like bacon, lemon makes everything taste better.
  5. Choose High Quality Seafood.
  6. Cook It Right.

What is the mildest tasting fish?

Most white fish—think tilapia, halibut, grouper, cod—are considered mild in flavor but sometimes have a delicate, sweet, and buttery taste.

What is the strongest smelling fish?

A fermentation process of at least six months gives the fish its characteristic strong smell and somewhat acidic taste. A newly opened can of surströmming has one of the most putrid food smells in the world, even stronger than similarly fermented fish dishes such as the Korean hongeohoe or Japanese kusaya.

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