What is a liberty in cheerleading?

What is a liberty in cheerleading?

The Liberty, also known as a lib, is a basic skill cheerleading stunt that requires a great deal of core and hip strength to achieve the stability and balance it takes to stick this one-legged cheerleading stunt in the air with proper posture and poise.

What are the positions in cheer?

The three main roles in cheerleading are the bases, the flyers and the spotters. A truly versatile cheerleader will be able to do any of these roles even though it is more common for cheerleaders to be focused to only one or two roles.

What are the different types of stunts?

  • Climbing Stunts. Climbing stunts can be identified when a top girl or flyer, starts with one foot in the stunt.
  • Weight Transfer Stunts. Weight transfer stunts are identified when there is hand to hand contact.
  • Timing Stunts.

What are the dual stunts?

Dual stunts, also called partner stunts, are a gymnastic related activity that requires two people, and they are commonly used in dance, acrobatics and cheerleading routines. Partner stunts should be learned in a progression of easy to hard rather than learning individual stunts for a certain routine.

What is dual Group and combative stunts?

TYPES OF STUNTS 1. DUAL STUNTS – are stunts performed by two 3. GROUP STUNTS – are stunts performed by 3 or more persons 4. COMBATIVE STUNTS – are stunts where two performers or more, fight each other showing strength, balance, agility and endurance.

What are the benefits when you do stunts?


  • Flexibility.
  • Disease Prevention.
  • Strong and Healthy Bones.
  • Increased Self-Esteem.
  • Daily Exercise Needs.
  • Increased Cognitive Functioning.
  • Increased Coordination.
  • Strength Development.

Why gymnastics is better than cheer?

Gymnastics routines are more elegant than cheerleading routines. Gymnastics requires more strength especially when it comes to the upper-body. Gymnasts need to build their strength, particularly their upper-body, because they need to use that strength to be able to handle themselves on bars.

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