How did Zeus Poseidon and Hades decide who gets what?

How did Zeus Poseidon and Hades decide who gets what?

Zeus got the sky, Poseidon got the sea and Hades got the Underworld. After defeating their father, Kronos, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus drew lots. Zeus got the sky, Poseidon got the ocean, and Hades got the underworld. Nobody was tricked, it was all a matter of luck.

Does Bennett like Barbara?

Bennett loves to see Barbara and attends her concerts so that he can cheer her on. The two seem to get along pretty well, despite the fact that Barbara is so famous in Mondstadt.

Does Bennett from Genshin have two dads?

Bennett does consider himself to have two dads, but he would also probably say he has many more than two dads. Players can rest assured though, there’s no known connection between any of Bennett’s relatives, the lonesome Diluc, and/or his adopted brother, Kaeya.

Why is Bennett so good Genshin?

More fool them: Bennett is one of the best support characters in Genshin Impact. This is due to his Elemental Burst, Fantastic Voyage, which provides decent healing and a hefty attack boost as long as characters remain in the AoE. Bennett performs up to five rapid sword strikes.

Why is Bennett C6 bad?

User Info: Grischnak. For one, Pyro overwrites other weapon buffs. Meaning taking him to C6 makes him completely unusable with characters like Keqing and Chongyun. It also makes him unplayable in coop because you’d be in the way of other people’s builds.

Is Bennett a girl Genshin impact?

Appearance. Bennett is a young man who is often covered in scrapes due to his various misadventures.

Does C6 ruin Bennett?

C6 bennet does not work well with a lot off characters and is generally not recommended. It absolutely ruins Keqing, Razor, Beidou, and Noelle.

Should you activate Bennett C6?

As most of you may know, it is generally discouraged to activate Bennett’s C6 because of the way it forces your other party members to have Pyro attacks but the “!” logo is bothering me quite a bit and I’m thinking of activating it since I use Hu Tao and it doesn’t really affect my Zhongli’s Planet Befall skill.

How Old Is Bennett Genshin impact?

Genshin Impact: All Character Age + Height

Bennett February 29 16
Chongyun September 7 17
Diluc April 30 22
Diona January 18 12

Is C6 xiangling good?

Xiangling at c5 or C6 can do a lot of reaction damage with Gouba and pyronado. She works great in the abyss. I think she does quite a bit more damage than bennett with the witch set, even when she is off the field.

What is Bennett’s C6?

By unlocking Bennett C6 would mean that you will be forced to have Pyro DPS in your team, otherwise, it would have been wasted on a DPS that does not deal damage around Pyro Damage.

Are razor and Bennett brothers?


Are razor and Klee friends?

Klee views Razor as her friend and loves to go visit him, stating that he has fluffy hair. She also states that Razor helps her clean up all the messes that she makes when trying out her new explosions. Razor seems to truly fear for his life when Klee comes around with her newest explosives.

Does Bennett C6 override keqing?

C6 Bennett is unusable for Keqing. Again, using him w/o a pyro is a waste. You’re better off putting in xianling.

Is Klee banner coming back 2021?

After months of absence, the Klee re-run banner is back. The Klee re-run banner will most likely release on June 9, 2021, at 3 PM PST. From the Genshin Impact 1.6 Special Program, we learned that Klee’s Character Event Banner will be the first event banner to arrive alongside update 1.6.

Is Klee The girl razor was talking about?

The “burny girl” from the Knights of Favonius Razor talks about in The Meaning of Lupical is Klee. She was the first new character added after the launch of the game.

Why does Razor say Lupical?

Story Quest Requirement(s) The Meaning of Lupical is the first act of Razor’s Story Quest, the Lupus Minor Chapter.

How is fate chosen Lupical?


  1. Go to Wolvendom.
  2. Talk to Razor.
  3. Check for strange things along the way.
  4. Investigate the blood print.
  5. Catch up to Razor.
  6. Talk to Razor.
  7. Go deeper into Wolvendom.
  8. Talk to Razor about how to help the injured wolf.

How do you beat Wolf Genshin impact?

To win the fight against the wolf, Electric and Pyro skills are most effective as the Wolf is a Cryo elemental type, so it is more susceptible to those elements. However, you should priorities Pyro attacks as it’ll deal more damage.

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