What advice does Gertrude give Hamlet?
That she is soon to be sent to Paris to marry Reynaldo. What advice is Gertrude giving to Hamlet when she says, “Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted color off, / And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark. / Do not forever with thy vailèd lids / Seek for thy noble father in the dust. / Thou know’st ’tis common.
Why does Gertrude think Hamlet is mad Act 2?
Queen Gertrude, who is Hamlet’s mother, speculates that the cause of this disturbance may be that he is in love with Ophelia, daughter of Polonius. This would be a very unequal match for a Prince of Denmark.
How does Shakespeare portray Hamlet’s feelings Act 1 Scene 2?
Hamlet feels that his uncle and mother married too quickly and that his uncle does not compare to his father. He is very depressed and even wishes that he could kill himself. Horatio and some others tell Hamlet that they have seen Hamlet’s father’s ghost.
What is Hamlet’s tone in Act 1 Scene 2?
We know he is depressed because his mother speaks of it, as does Claudius, saying that he appears to be too obsessed with his father’s death. Hamlet says that what he feels is true grief, and that implies that the new king and his mother are merely playing the parts of grieving relations (he’s right).
What themes are explored or introduced in Act 1 Scene 2?
Moral corruption and the consequent dysfunction of family and state. Some related scenes: Act 1 Scene 2: King Claudius and Queen Gertrude urge Hamlet to raise his spirits; alone on stage he expresses his outrage at his mother’s speedy remarriage to his uncle.
What is Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 3 about?
In Act 1, scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet, Lady Capulet and Juliet’s Nurse tell Juliet that she should consider marrying Paris because he has already expressed interest in marrying her.
What is Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 2 about?
Act 1 Scene 2 Paris visits Lord Capulet to ask for Juliet’s hand in marriage. Lord Capulet thinks Juliet is too young to marry saying to Paris ‘Let two more summers wither in their pride, / Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride’. However, he later encourages Paris to woo her at a ball at his house.
What does Duncan think of Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 2?
Duncan proclaims that the traitorous Thane of Cawdor shall be put to death, and that Macbeth shall be made Thane of Cawdor. Duncan rewards and trusts his subjects. This is the opposite of personal ambition.
Who betrayed Duncan in Act 1 Scene 2?
the Thane of Cawdor
How can a man not be born of a woman?
Although Macbeth believes that he cannot be killed by any man born of a woman, he soon learns that Macduff was “from his mother’s womb / Untimely ripped” (Act V Scene 8 lines 2493/2494) — meaning that Macduff was born by caesarean section. The two fight, and Macduff slays Macbeth offstage.
What does none of woman born mean?
“Not of woman born” means born by Caesarean section. Hecate, the head of the witches, gets angry at the three witches who prophesied to Macbeth in act 1. She is angry that they acted without permission, but she also thinks it is wrong to try to do any kindnesses for men. She says this is never appreciated or repaid.
Who kills Macbeth and puts his head on a spike?
It turns out he was taken from his mother’s womb prematurely, and so he technically isn’t of woman born. Macduff demands surrender, and Macbeth refuses. The two fight until Macduff kills Macbeth, chops off his head, and presents it to a triumphant Malcolm.
Is told not to fear any man born of woman?
Wasn’t he born from a woman? The spirits that know the future have told me this: “Don’t be afraid, Macbeth. No man born from a woman will ever defeat you.” So get out of here, disloyal thanes, and join the weak and decadent English! My mind and courage will never falter with doubt or shake with fear.