What is the bastard file?

What is the bastard file?

: a file having teeth of a grade next finer than coarse.

What is the meaning of the word bastard?

noun. a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child. Slang. a vicious, despicable, or thoroughly disliked person: Some bastard slashed the tires on my car.

What do you call a fatherless daughter?

0. orphan. The definition of orphan is a child or something related to a child who’s lost their parents.

What Watashi wa means?


Does Baka mean cow?

ARGH.. Japanese.. words. In Filipino, it has 2 meanings: Cow/Beef.

Can you call a girl kun?

Kun is not only used to address females formally; it can also be used for a very close friend or family member. Calling a female -kun is not insulting, and can also mean that the person is respected, although that is not the normal implication.

Can I call my brother ONII-Chan?

So the speaker may call his older brother (say, Kenta) “oniisan”, “oniichan”, “Kenta-niisan”, etc. depending on how he regards Kenta, with the most common way being a simple “oniisan”.

What does ohayo ONII-Chan?

Results for: Ohayo, onii-chan! As Long as There’s Love, It Doesn’t Matter If He is My Brother, Right! Translations: 1 – 3 / 3.

What does Nii Nii mean?

Japanese: variously written, sometimes with characters used phonetically, the most probable meanings are ‘two wells’ or ‘new well’. The name is not common in Japan.

What does Niko Niko mean?


What is Nii Nii in Japanese?

Nii; big brother in the familiar sense. Onii; a formal usage. Here are some uses. Niichan; used by a younger sibling, a mother or grand. Japanese is a hierarchical language, it’s designed to function in a society where people with swords could chop your head off anytime they pleased.

What does Nico Nico NII mean in Japanese?

Some may imagine that this phrase has absolutely no meaning. Really the character’s name is Niko which would explain why she uses that expression. Only in Japanese there is the expression niko niko にこにこ which is the onomatopoeia of smiling, so basically it is saying that you are smiling in your heart.

Is Nico Nico NII a bad word?

Sorry, it’s got nothing to do with Niko Niko Douga – it’s just a nonsense catchphrase spoken by a character named Niko in Love Live (anime-slash-idol-group thing).

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