What happened to Simon Legree After Tom died?

What happened to Simon Legree After Tom died?

Above all, Legree desires to break Tom’s religious faith and to see him capitulate to doubt and sin. In the end, although Tom dies and Legree survives, the evil that Legree stands for has been destroyed. Tom dies loving the men who kill him, proving that his faith prevails over Legree’s evil.

What happened to Simon Legree in Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

Uncle Tom’s Cabin tells the story of Uncle Tom, depicted as a saintly, dignified slave. He makes plans to do so but is then killed, and the brutal Simon Legree, Tom’s new owner, has Tom whipped to death after he refuses to divulge the whereabouts of certain runaway slaves.

Why are Tom and his wife so unhappy?

Terms in this set (19) Why are Tom and his wife unhappy? They fight about money. “Tom was a hard-minded fellow, not easily daunted, and he had lived so long with a termagant wife that he did not even fear the devil.”

Who is the hero in The Devil and Tom Walker?

Tom Walker is the story’s protagonist, who is a greedy, stubborn man with a miserable wife. After meeting Old Scratch in the swamp, he agrees to sell his soul in exchange for Captain Kidd’s buried treasure. Tom uses the money to become a wealthy usurer and continually forecloses on people’s homes.

What bargain does Tom make with the devil?

Tom makes a bargain with the devil to get a pirate’s treasure in exchange for “certain conditions.” Tom Walker does not find it strange when he meets the devil during a walk in the woods. He does not find anything frightening, even if local legends tell him the area is haunted.

Why does Tom refuse the Devil’s offer at first?

Why does Tom initially refuse the devil’s bargain? It is after he gets home and tells his wife about the incident. However Tom might have felt disposed to sell himself to the devil, he was determined not to do so to contradict his wife. So, just to spite her, Tom refuses.

Which of the Devil’s requests does Tom refuse?

Slave trading

What is Tom’s life like after he gets the money from the devil?

How does Tom’s life change after he gets the money? He became rich and well known.

What happens to Tom’s money when he dies?

What happened to Tom’s money and things? All the bonds and mortgages were burned to cinders. All the gold and silver in his chest were just chips and shavings. His horses were just skeletons and the next day his house burned to the ground.

What happens to Tom’s money in the end?

What has happened to Tom’s wealth by the end of the story? By the end of the story, his gold and silver in his iron chest was filled with chips and two skeletons laying in his stable instead of horses. His house burned down to the ground.

What did Tom do to become rich?

The story makes clear that when Tom strikes his bargain with the Devil, he uses the money that he gains to become a usurer; that is a man who lends out money at great interest in order to receive even more money in return. This profession is suggested by the Devil after Tom refuses to deal in the slave trade.

Why does Tom’s wife go into the forest?

After hearing Tom’s report of the deal he had been offered by the devil, whereby he could basically “sell his soul” in return for great wealth (the gold buried by Kidd the pirate), Tom’s wife goes into the forest to make her own deal since Tom refuses to do so.

How does Tom try to protect himself from harm?

What things does he do to keep him safe? Tom tries to protect himself by become a zealous christian. He keeps himself safe by having a big bible on his desk and carrying a small bible with him.

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