What is Cam Jansen real name?

What is Cam Jansen real name?


What age are Cam Jansen books for?

Ages 7-11.

What reading level is Cam Jansen the mystery of the stolen diamonds?

Cam Jansen: The Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds #1

Interest Level Reading Level ATOS
Grades 1 – 3 Grades 1 – 4 3.2

How many pages does Cam Jansen have?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780142400104
Series: Cam Jansen Series , #1
Edition description: Reissue
Pages: 64
Sales rank: 16,894

What grade is Cam Jansen for?

fifth grade

What level is Cam Jansen?

Shop by Program:

Reading Level Reading Level
Cam Jansen And The Millionaire Mystery Series: Cam Jansen (Book: 32) Adler, David A. 9780142427477 Fiction Paperback L 3.4
Cam Jansen And The Secret Service Mystery Series: Cam Jansen (Book: 26) Adler, David A. 9780142410745 Fiction Paperback L 3.6

What is an L reading level?

Readers at a level L are able to read chapter books with more difficult plots (events in the story) and fewer illustrations. Readers at this level are able to adjust their reading to understand a range of texts such as fantasy, realistic fiction, biographies, and short mysteries.

What reading level are Horrible Harry books?

Shop by Program:

Reading Level Reading Level
Horrible Harry On The Ropes Series: Horrible Harry Kline, Suzy 9780142416952 Fiction Paperback L 3.2
Horrible Harry’s Secret Series: Horrible Harry Kline, Suzy 9780141300931 Fiction Paperback L 2.8

What level are Mercy Watson books?

Shop by Program:

Reading Level Interest Level
Mercy Watson Fights Crime Series: Mercy Watson DiCamillo, Kate 9780763649524 Fiction Paperback K 1-3
Mercy Watson Goes For A Ride Series: Mercy Watson DiCamillo, Kate 9780763645052 Fiction Paperback L 1-3

Do you need to read the Mercy Watson books in order?

This series can be read in any order.

What age are Mercy Watson books for?

AGE RANGE: Kindergarten to second grade (Ages 4-8) is the recommended range. However, this is a very funny book that you can definitely read to kids younger than 4 – attention span allowing.

What should I read after Mercy Watson?

Short and Sweet: Mercy Watson Read-alikes

  • The Princess in Black by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale. Stopping monsters is no job for prim and perfect Princess Magnolia.
  • Owl Diaries by Rebecca Elliott.
  • Charlie and Mouse by Laurel Snyder.
  • Narwhal and Jelly by Ben Clanton.

What grade level is Princess in black?

Perfect for 5-8 year old girls and boys.

What is considered a chapter book?

A chapter book or chapterbook is a story book intended for intermediate readers, generally age 7–10. Unlike picture books for beginning readers, a chapter book tells the story primarily through prose rather than pictures.

What age should you start chapter books?

Generally speaking, children become ready to transition to kids’ chapter books at around age 7 or 8. Some children are naturally enthusiastic about diving into chapter books — especially if they took an active role in the read-alouds you shared, holding the book, flipping the pages, and memorizing parts of the story.

How many words is a chapter book?

Some will tell you 2,500 words is the average, while others will say that 3,000 to 5,000 word chapters are more likely to be the norm. Most agree that under 1,000 words would be rather short and that over 5,000 might be rather too long. As a general guideline, chapters should be between 3,000 to 5,000 words.

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