How many operas did Purcell compose?

How many operas did Purcell compose?

Among Purcell’s most notable works are his opera Dido and Aeneas (1688), his semi-operas Dioclesian (1690), King Arthur (1691), The Fairy-Queen (1692) and Timon of Athens (1695), as well as the compositions Hail!

What was Purcell’s first opera?

Dido and Aeneas

Did Purcell write opera?

Henry Purcell, (born c. 1659, London, England—died November 21, 1695, London), English composer of the middle Baroque period, most remembered for his more than 100 songs; a tragic opera, Dido and Aeneas; and his incidental music to a version of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream called The Fairy Queen.

What year did Henry write his only true opera?


Who was the youngest surviving son of JS Bach?

Johann Christian Bach The youngest Bach boy was only a teenager when his father died. J.C. received a sizable inheritance (including three harpsichords) and eventually moved in with his older brother and music teacher Carl Philipp Emanuel.

Did Bach marry his cousin?

On October 17, 1707, Johann Sebastian Bach married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach at Dornheim.

Who was Bach’s second wife?

Anna Magdalena Bachm. 1721–1750

Did Bach have a family?

Descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach Of the seven children that Johann Sebastian Bach had with his first wife Maria Barbara Bach, his second cousin, only three survived him. They had 13 children, of whom Johann Christoph Friedrich and Johann Christian became significant musicians.

What was Bach inspired by?

Bach was greatly influenced by a local organist named George Böhm. In 1703, he landed his first job as a musician at the court of Duke Johann Ernst in Weimar. There he was a jack-of-all-trades, serving as a violinist and at times, filling in for the official organist.

Are there two Bachs?

Johann Bernhard Bach (1676-1749) – To make things really confusing, there are actually two Johann Bernhard Bachs. The one you’re much more likely to hear about is the older one, a second cousin of J.S. Another competent musician and composer, most of his work unfortunately hasn’t survived.

Did Bach walk 200 miles?

Bach’s first major journey on foot probably took place in March 1700, when he travelled to Luneburg from Ohrdruf (a distance of nearly 200 miles), just before his fifteenth birthday, to take up a free educational place at the Michael isschule.

Why did Bach walk to Lubeck?

In the winter of 1705, aged 20, Bach set out to travel over 250 miles on foot from Arnstadt, in Thuringia, the heart of Germany, to Lübeck, near the Baltic coast, in order to study the art and craft of Lübeck’s famous organist, Dietrich Buxtehude. We can divine more of his route than we can prove.

What does Buxtehude mean?

Buxtehude is a town on the Este River in Northern Germany in the district of Stade and part of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. Buxtehude is a steadily growing medium-sized town and the second largest in the district of Stade.

What was the longest distance that Bach walked to hear a musical performance?

In 1705, J.S. Bach, then a young man of twenty, walked from Arnstadt to Lübeck, a distance of more than 400 kilometres (250 mi), and stayed nearly three months to hear the Abendmusik, meet the pre-eminent Lübeck organist, hear him play, and, as Bach explained, “to comprehend one thing and another about his art”.

How long did it take Bach to walk to Lubeck?

three months

What wonderful thing did Bach find in the icky fish heads?

Johann eagerly picked up the leftovers and, to his amazement, found a gold coin inside each of the heads. Immediately he hurried inside and ordered a tasty meal, which he enjoyed. When he was 23 Bach was appointed organist to the court of Weimar and, until his death in 1750, he earned a modest living by his music.

Did Bach have any health problems?

Johann Sebastian Bach suffered during the last year of his life of a progressive visual defect despite two operations done by a famous but quite controversial English ocular surgeon of that time. The exact diagnosis of his ocular problems is unclear but cataracts and complicated glaucoma seem the most plausible.

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