How often should I water my juniper tree?
You should plan to water it every two to three days. Never allow the soil to dry out completely. Usually you can tell when it needs watering by the color and feel of the soil surface.
Can junipers get too much water?
Because they do not like constantly soggy or wet soil, avoid overwatering junipers or planting them in a poorly drained soil that stays constantly soggy or wet. When planted during the winter dormant season plants will require less water. So, be extra careful not to overwater during winter!
Why are my juniper trees turning brown?
Browning and dying branch tips may indicate an insect infestation such as spider mites. You can check for this by holding a piece of white paper under a juniper branch and shaking it. If you see brown, red, green or yellow eight-legged insects, your juniper has spider mites.
How much water do new junipers need?
Soak the area well, using enough water to moisten the soil to a depth of 18 to 20 inches. Planting Ground Cover Junipers Plants will be well on their way to adulthood if they are given enough water to make up 1 inch of water per week for their first year of residence.
Do junipers have deep roots?
Junipers are well adapted to dry soil conditions. They usually have a very deep taproot to take up water from deep in the soil, as well as a mat of fibrous roots closer to the soil’s surface to capture rain water.
How can I make my junipers grow faster?
The healthier the tree, the better and faster it will grow. In general, junipers thrive in full sun to partial shade, depending on the species, and with regular watering.
What is the best fertilizer for junipers?
Incorporate fertilizer into the soil or spread it around the plant, but avoid directly placing fertilizer into the planting hole. Established junipers will benefit from a complete fertilizer such as 16-4-8 or 12-4-8 applied at a rate of 1/2 lb. per 100 square feet in early spring and again in late summer.
How deep do juniper tree roots go?
A juniper’s tap root can penetrate 25 feet straight down in search of water. It can also send out lateral roots 100 feet or more from the tree. The roots are especially hardy: even when knocked over by wind, junipers often continue to grow.
Can I use Miracle Grow on junipers?
Apart from their natural ingredients, the usage couldn’t get easier. A lot of slow-release fertilizers have to be applied once every month. Well, Miracle-Gro can do you one better. Their fertilizers only need to be applied once every season and you know how long seasons can get.
Is Epsom salt good for Juniper?
Cause ‘Tam’ (Juniper sabina ‘Tamariscifola’) and ‘Pfitzer’s’ (Juniper chinensis ‘Pfitzeriana’) juniper often are deficient in magnesium, and other cultivars may be as well. Apply Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to soil at 1 cup/100 sq ft. Foliar application of Epsom salts at 5 oz/gal water (40 g/l).
Do junipers make soil acidic?
Higher acidity of soil may be caused by presence of conifers such as juniper trees. Acidity may also be caused by rainfall and leaching, acidic plant material, and high rates of organic matter decomposition. High limestone content in the bedrock may increase the soil pH to more basic levels.
What can I plant instead of juniper?
However, in my opinion, Siberian cypress surpass junipers since they do not suffer from the host of pests and diseases that plaque junipers. Full sun is best but they will tolerate more shade than junipers. They are not fussy as to the soil as long as it is well-drained and not too alkaline.
Do junipers like wet soil?
Junipers tolerates a wide range of soils and soil conditions, except for constantly soggy or wet soils. Though most junipers will grow well in clay soils, it’s a good practice to amend heavy clay soil with organic matter such as sand, gravel or bagged top soil.
Do junipers need a lot of sun?
Plant juniper shrubs in a location with full sun or light shade. When they get too much shade, the branches spread apart in an effort to let more sunlight in, and the damage to their shape can’t be repaired. Junipers grow in any type of soil as long as it is well-drained.
Are junipers poisonous to dogs?
The University of California – Davis list Juniperus (Junipers) in their Safe and Poisonous Garden Plants list as having a minor toxicity (class 2) for pets and children. This rating means ingestion of these plants may cause minor illnesses such as vomiting or diarrhea.
Are junipers poisonous?
Of the roughly 40 species of juniper, a small number are poisonous and a majority have bitter fruits. Only a few yield edible berries (actually modified cones) and only one is routinely used for flavoring. The flavoring juniper, best known for its contribution to gin, is common juniper, Juniperus communis.
Are junipers Hardy?
Junipers, Juniperus, are hardy conifers and one of the most versatile and drought-tolerant shrubs.
What is the hardiest Juniper?
Blue Prince – only 6 inches (15 cm.) high with a 3 to 5 feet (1-1.5 m.) spread, this juniper produces a lovely blue color that can’t be beat. Blue Creeper – this blue-green variety spreads up to 8 feet (2.5 m.), making it a great choice for larger areas of the garden in need of ground cover.
How tall do Taylor junipers get?
15-20′ tall