What does aconite treat?
In homeopathy, aconite is used to treat fear, anxiety, and restlessness; acute sudden fever; symptoms from exposure to dry, cold weather or very hot weather; tingling, coldness, and numbness; influenza or colds with congestion; and heavy, pulsating headaches.
What color is aconite?
Color range A medium to dark semi-saturated blue-purple is the typical flower color for Aconitum species.
What is Aconite 30C?
Aconite 30C Homeopathic Aconite, Aconitum Napellus, is a remedy used for acute complaints, which come on suddenly and with great intensity. It is commonly indicated for colds and painful sore throats especially right at the beginning of the complaint.
Is aconite 30 safe to take?
When taken by mouth: Aconite is UNSAFE. All species of the plant are dangerous, and so are processed products. Aconite contains a strong, fast-acting poison that causes severe side effects such as nausea, vomiting, pupil dilation, weakness or inability to move, sweating, breathing problems, heart problems, and death.
How do you take aconite 30c?
ADULTS and CHILDREN: 1 or 2 tablets to be dissolved on the tongue. Unless otherwise directed; for acute conditions, 1 dose 2 hourly for up to 6 doses. Thereafter and where less acute, 1 dose 3 times a day between meals for no more than one month. When relief is obtained, reduce the dosage frequency or discontinue.
How do you take aconite?
Aconite is also used as a disinfectant, to treat wounds, and to promote sweating. Some people apply aconite to the skin in liniment as a “counterirritant” for treating facial pain, joint pain, and leg pain (sciatica).
What is Nux vomica used for?
Despite serious safety concerns, nux vomica is used for diseases of the digestive tract, disorders of the heart and circulatory system, diseases of the eye, and lung disease. It is also used for nerve conditions, depression, migraine headache, symptoms of menopause, and a blood vessel disorder called Raynaud’s disease.
How much monkshood is fatal?
The estimated lethal dose is 2 mg of aconitine, 5 ml of aconite tincture and 1 g of the raw aconite plant (Chan, 2012; Qin et al., 2012). A 2mg dose of aconitine can cause death within 4 hours. Luckily cases of fatal monkshood poisoning are rare as it tastes foul and bitter and would quickly be spat out.
Can you die from touching monkshood?
can you die from touching monkshood? Most instances of contact with this plant is from touching the foliage, resulting in irritation, slight dizziness and a little nausea. Death definitely happens when the plant is eaten or if plant touches any open wounds. You should always wear gloves when handling Monkshood.
How long does it take to die from Wolfsbane?
Beside above, how long does it take to die from Wolfsbane? Marked symptoms may appear almost immediately, usually not later than one hour, and “with large doses death is almost instantaneous”. Death usually occurs within two to six hours in fatal poisoning (20 to 40 ml of tincture may prove fatal).
How dangerous is monkshood?
All species of monkshood including cultivated species (A. napellus) should be considered toxic to animals and humans. All parts of the plant are toxic, but the roots, seeds and preflowering leaves are especially toxic.