What is the real date of Janmashtami?

What is the real date of Janmashtami?

Janmashtami Observances

Year Weekday Date
2017 Tue Aug 15
2018 Mon Sep 3
2019 Sat Aug 24
2020 Wed Aug 12

Is janmashtami 11 or 12?

Janmashtami 2020 will be celebrated on two days, August 11 and 12. This marks the 5,247th birth anniversary of Lord Krishna.

How did Krishna die?

She was devastated by the death of her son and, in her rage, cursed Lord Krishna that he will die exactly after thirty-six years. Krishna went to live in a forest where he was shot by an arrow by a hunter- Jara who misunderstood Krishna’s moving foot with that of a deer. The arrow got pierced into Krishna’s foot.

On which day Lord Krishna is Worshipped?


What can we eat on Janmashtami fast?

Janmashtami Vrat – What to eat and what not to eat

  • You may have fruits and coconut water.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water or juices.
  • You can have milk.
  • Do not consume rice, wheat or lentils in any form.
  • Do not consume garlic, onions or any other Tamasic food.
  • Do not eat meat or fish.

Can we drink coffee in Janmashtami fast?

Navratri is a period where you restrict yourself from certain foods to cleanse your body. While grains and non-vegetarian dishes are strictly prohibited, beverages like tea and coffee are alright to be consumed.”

Can we drink milk on Janmashtami fast?

You can even try a healthy smoothie with milk and the fruits you like. It will help you feel full for longer and active. You should eat a lot of fruits if you are keeping a Janmashtami fast.

What is Lord Krishna’s Favourite food?

Maakhan Mishri: It is considered to be Lord Krishna’s favorite, it is made with fresh homemade butter that is mixed with rock sugar or sugar and offered to the deity.

What is Lord Krishna’s Favourite fruit?

Wide variety of fruits, especially Jamun fruit, which is Lord Krishna’s favorite fruit, kalkandu (Rock candy), and panagam (Jaggery mixed with water) offer up to the Lord.

What is the name of son of Krishna?


Which God wore a peacock feather?

Lord Krishna

Why is the peacock called the Bird of Thousand Eyes?

Indian male peacock is also known as “bird with thousand eyes” because of its beautiful train of colorful tail feathers (Fig 5). This special train consists of 100 to 150 greenish blue tail coverts. Usually birds get their colours of feather from the selective pigments, but this is not the case with this species.

Why peacock feather is sacred?

Peacock feathers are considered sacred, keep it at the entrance of the home. Peacock feathers have special significance in Hinduism. Peacock feathers are inhabited by all the deities and all the nine planets. Lord Shiva has told Goddess Parvati about the importance of peacocks feather mentioned in ornithology.

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