Who made the first vanilla wafer?

Who made the first vanilla wafer?

Gustav A. Mayer

Who thought of banana pudding?

Individual cooks, not Nabsico, came up with the idea. In 1921, Mrs. Laura Kerley contributed a recipe to the Bloomington, Illinois Pantagraph, for a banana pudding consisting of custard, a half-dozen sliced bananas, and one pound of vanilla wafers.

What state is known for banana pudding?


Where did banana pudding originate from?

But the banana pudding we know and love wasn’t born until 1921, when a home cook named Laura Kerley provided her recipe to Pantagraph in Bloomington, Illinois. Kerley’s recipe featured vanilla custard, bananas, and, for the first time, Nabisco Nilla Wafers.

When did vanilla wafers become Nilla Wafers?


Do you eat banana pudding hot or cold?

Eat it warm (the Southern way) or after it’s been chilled; a classic dessert that’s perfect for weeknight dinners, Sunday suppers, or the fanciest of holidays. Quite a long time ago (nine years, to be exact), I shared a recipe for an easy banana pudding.

Can banana pudding be left out?

Banana pudding should not be left out overnight. If you accidentally leave it out overnight, be safe and throw it out.

Does banana pudding have to be refrigerated?

Store your banana pudding wrapped with plastic wrap in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Why do bananas turn brown in banana pudding?

Despite the aesthetic turnoff, dark, brown bananas in pudding do not make it unsafe to eat. The brown color you see is a result of an enzymatic reaction between the banana and oxygen. When sliced banana encounters oxygen it creates melanin, a natural pigment, that creates the brown hue.

What prevents bananas from browning?

Just toss your banana slices in some lemon juice to inhibit enzymatic browning. Full coverage, particularly on the cut sides, will help prevent the slices from turning brown. In addition to lemon juice, vinegar will also work.

How do you keep bananas from turning black?

As with apple slices, adding lemon or lime juice to peeled bananas can help preserve their freshness. Basically, the citrus slows down the oxidation process. You can also use lime orange juice or pineapple juice. If you’ve already sliced the banana, toss it with a teaspoon or two of citrus juice.

How do you keep sliced bananas from turning brown?

To keep sliced bananas from turning brown, squeeze some lemon juice or juice from any citrus fruit on them to slow the production of enzymes that cause browning.

Should bananas be refrigerated?

Bananas are picked green and ripen at room temperature. Refrigerating them not only causes the skin to darken, it slows down or stops ripening. So, it is best to keep them out of the fridge until they are fully ripened. At that point refrigerating them will help keep them from becoming over ripe.

Will a banana ripen if peeled?

The peel may brown but the fruit will ripen at a much slower pace and maintain its current stage of ripeness for up to 1 week. And don’t throw out those banana peels.

How do you ripen a peeled banana?

Peel and slice banana or bananas in a microwave safe bowl. Cover with waxed paper. Microwave for one minute. Mash with a fork.

How long will a banana last once peeled?

At room temperature, the peeled banana can last 1-2 days. If you want it to last any longer, stick to the refrigerator. If refrigerated, the peeled banana can last 3-4 days, twice the length of time.

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