Does HP sauce contain garlic?

Does HP sauce contain garlic?

HP sauce was introduced in 1889. It is similar to A1 but thicker, and contains tamarind. Other ingredients in the original recipe include garlic, shallots, ground mace, tomato purée, cayenne pepper, ground ginger, raisins, flour, salt and malt vinegar.

What are the spices in HP sauce?


  • tomatoes, chopped.
  • cup brown sugar.
  • onion, chopped.
  • lemon, sliced.
  • 1⁄ cup white vinegar.
  • tablespoon allspice.
  • teaspoon pepper.
  • tablespoon Worcestershire sauce.

When was HP sauce invented?


What is the main ingredient in HP sauce?

HP Sauce has a tomato base, blended with malt vinegar and spirit vinegar, sugars (molasses, glucose-fructose syrup, sugar), dates, cornflour, rye flour, salt, spices and tamarind. It is used as a condiment with hot and cold savoury food, and as an ingredient in soups and stews.

What can I use instead of HP sauce?

If you don’t have HP Sauce you can substitute (per tablespoon needed):

  • Use 1 tablespoon original A1 sauce.
  • OR – 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce.

What can I use HP sauce on?

HP Sauce… a few of my favourite uses

  1. Add to Spaghetti Bolognese.
  2. Put a dash in your casserole.
  3. Top cheese on toast with a splash.
  4. In onion gravy with sausages.
  5. Marinade your meat and vege.
  6. Spread on a bacon sandwich.
  7. Brush over grilled meat or vegetables during the last few minutes of grilling.

Is HP sauce the same as A1?

HP Sauce is similar to A1 steak sauce, but it’s definitely not the same thing.

What does HP sauce taste like?

The ingredients include a varying combination of tomatoes, molasses, dates, apples, tamarind, spices, vinegar, and sometimes raisins. The taste is either tart or sweet with a peppery taste similar to that of Worcestershire sauce.

Do you refrigerate HP sauce?

What the experts say: HP Sauce contains preservative ingredients including both malt vinegar and spirit vinegar, so it’s fine to keep in the cupboard, along with your ketchup. Dr Schenker says: ‘It’s vinegar-based, so keeping it in the fridge isn’t necessary.

Is HP sauce the same as Worcestershire sauce?

28. A1 Steak Sauce (or HP Brown Sauce) Made with tomato puree, raisin paste, white vinegar, corn syrup, crushed orange puree, and salt, this sauce has many of the same flavor notes as Worcestershire—it’s just missing the spice and heat.

Is brown sauce like ketchup?

Brown sauce is based on onions in the same way that ketchup is based on tomatoes. It tastes quite strong (though the taste is hard to define; despite what goes into it, it’s not very onion-tasting) so you’d use less of it than you would ketchup.

What is better brown sauce or ketchup?

The nation has voted for the perfect bacon butty recipe, and brown sauce trumps ketchup, according to research by Direct Line for Business. Those in the East of England and the patriotic Welsh prefer their butty with tomato ketchup, while those in the West of England go for a brown sauce, such as HP or Daddies.

What is brown sauce called in America?

A1 Original steak sauce

What is Thai brown sauce made of?

As I understand it, served with a fried egg and minced chicken, this is a staple and even breakfast food in Thailand. The sauce is not a curry but a spicy brown sauce made from fish sauce, oyster sauce, garlic, sugar, lime, chilis, etc…

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