What factors led to the expansion of the Islamic empire?

What factors led to the expansion of the Islamic empire?

Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries. Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time.

What factors helped the economies of the Muslim empires prosper?

Explanation: And Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives.

Why was Muslim expansion so successful?

Originally Answered: Why and how was the Muslim conquest so successful? one reason i believe the Muslim’s were successful is they were motivated by an idea rather than simply loot. they offered the folks they conquered a faith based set of ideals about how one should live.

What contributed to the unity of the Muslim empire?

What contributed to the unity of the Muslim empire? Religion, language, trade & economy tied Muslim lands together. Muslims had a highly skilled & powerful military, which allowed them to conquer new territories & control them.

What were major contributions of Islamic scholars?

They created an observatory so they could study the position of the star. They formed into astrolabe. It is an instrument that makes it easier for sailors to see where they are. They also developed medicine.

What are the top 3 religions in Germany?

Religion in Germany

  • Religion in Germany (2019) Christianity (55%) No religion (37.7%) Islam (6.5%) Other (0.8%)
  • Religion in Germany (2019 Estimation using official church membership data) Unaffiliated (38.8%) Catholic Church (27.2%) Evangelical Church (24.9%) Orthodox Christianity (1.9%) Other Christians (1.1%)

What is Germany’s religion like?

Christianity is the dominant religion in Germany while Islam is the biggest minority religion. There are a number more faiths, however, that together account for the religions of around 3-4% of the population. Further religions practiced in Germany include: Judaism.

Who is the God of Germany?


Name Name meaning Attested children
Tuisto (Latinized Germanic) “double”, from the Proto-Germanic root *twai – “two”; “a god, born of the earth” (deum terra editum) Mannus
Týr (Old Norse), Tīw, Tīg (both Old English), Ziu (Old High German) “God”, derived from Proto-Germanic *Tīwaz (Gives his name to Tuesday). Seaxnot

Who did the Goths worship?

The Gothic Christians were followers of Arianism. Many church members, from simple believers, priests, and monks to bishops, emperors, and members of Rome’s imperial family followed this doctrine, as did two Roman emperors, Constantius II and Valens.

Are the Vikings Germanic?

These seafaring traders, settlers and warriors are commonly referred to as Vikings. The North Germanic peoples of the Viking Age as a whole are sometimes referred to as Norsemen. However, the term Norsemen is often used only for early Norwegians, or as a synonym for Vikings.

What is the oldest Germanic language?

The earliest extensive Germanic text is the (incomplete) Gothic Bible, translated about 350 ce by the Visigothic bishop Ulfilas (Wulfila) and written in a 27-letter alphabet of the translator’s own design….Germanic languages.

approximate dates CE
Old Swedish 1250–1500*
Old Frisian 1300–1500*

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