How much should a 5 month old Holstein steer weigh?

How much should a 5 month old Holstein steer weigh?

Jersey Heifer Growth

Age (months) Body Weight (pounds)
3 155 177
4 183 217
5 233 278
6 259 321

How much does a 3 month old Holstein steer weigh?

Average Calf Weights by age (Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss)

Age Holstein (weight in lbs) Jersey (weight in lbs)
2 months 161-189 122-146
3 months 211-234 155-177
4 months 258-284 183-217
5 months 311-339 233-278

What is the best weight to butcher a Holstein steer?

When fed high corn diets, Holstein steers usual- ly will grade Choice at 1,050-1,200 pounds. Some feedlots prefer to feed light-weight (250-350 pounds) Holstein calves.

What is the average hanging weight of a Holstein steer?

We used to get 5 – 700 pounds of meat off of a 1600 pound steer so 500 to 600 pounds is about right from hanging weight of 700 to 800 pounds.

How long does it take to feed out a Holstein steer?

300 to 400 days

How much grain does a 300 lb calf need?

pound calf will need to consume in the neighborhood of 7 to 8 pounds of grain daily. Small amounts of hay will compliment the grain ration for these 8 to 12 week old animals.

How much feed does it take to finish a steer?

The steer will consume roughly 15-20 pounds of hay per day or 2 percent of his body weight. Grain is added to the diet three months before taking the steer to the processor. The amount of time on feed can vary from 60-150 days. For a backyard steer, 90 days on grain should be sufficient.

What is the best grain to feed a steer?

Corn has the highest energy value and is likely the most economical grain in corn-producing localities. Corn, oats, and barley are the primary grains fed to cattle. Oats, which has a lower energy value due to its high fiber content, is considered the “safest” grain in regards to potential digestive disturbances.

How can I put weight on my steer fast?

Re: How to put 100lbs on a show steer in one month Keep the critter cool, as much as possible, but not hot ot even too cold (if weight is more important than hair). Add some ice to his drinking water to keep it cool, but not too cold. If you wet the feed or beet pulp, do so using ice water.

What do they feed cows to fatten them up?

Silage is a crop that has been preserved in a moist, succulent condition by partial fermentation in a tight container (silo) above or below ground. The majority of the food cattle eat comes from this type of feedstuffs. Roughages are mainly filler in the cattle’s diet.

How can a skinny cow gain weight?

You need a feed, though, that is much higher in energy than protein. Energy (in the form of TDN or Total Digestible Nutrients) is what will get her to gain weight; protein only puts on muscle, not fat. I suggest feeds like rolled oats, rolled barley, or wheat germ, beets, etc.

Does corn fatten you up?

Corn can spike your blood sugar and may contribute to weight gain when consumed in excess. Individuals who have diabetes or are trying to lose weight may want to limit their intake.

How long does it take to fatten up a cow?

Normally 16-18 months, but may take 3 months for the veal meat production.

What is the best age to slaughter cattle?

The highest quality beef comes from animals that are under 36 months of age. Old cows produce highly acceptable beef if properly fattened and processed. Depending on the calf and the feeding regime, calves are best slaughtered between three and 16 weeks of age.

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