Can algae eaters live with neon tetras?

Can algae eaters live with neon tetras?

However, most tetras are small and cannot deal with brutal tank mates. This means you need to select algae eaters with care, since some species with a reputation for algae-eating may harm small, delicate fish like tetras.

What is eating my neon tetras?

Fish Herder Usually the biggest fish that has the biggest mouth is the one that is eating them… Next is, any fish that has mouth that is big enough to fit the Neon into its mouth will eat them.

Will Chinese algae eaters eat other fish?

yum. Most CAE start as herbivores and as they get older they stop eating algae and prey on other fish. What they do is they suck the fish’s slim and scales off until they die, then it the dead body as it decays and gets softer.

What fish go with Chinese algae eaters?

Small, speedy species will easily be able to escape a Chinese Algae Eater, but it will probably ignore them anyway. You could try Mollies, Tiger Barbs, Platies, Clown Loaches, Dwarf Gourami, Swordtails, Zebra Danios, Cherry Barbs, Emperor Tetra, or White Cloud Mountain Minnow.

How long do Chinese algae eaters live?

around 10 years

Do Chinese algae eaters eat shrimp?

In other words: no. The CAEs will eat the shrimp. Alas, they will eat almost everything they can get in their mouths (even partially), and become increasingly aggressive as they age.

How long do Siamese algae eaters live for?

Siamese algae-eaters will often school together, but are also content living solo. When two are kept together, they will often establish their own territory as they mature. They can be a long living fish, with reports of lifespans up to ten years.

Do Siamese algae eaters jump?

Most fish can jump, but some can do it better than others. Siamese algae eaters are active and quick which makes it easier for them to jump from the water. Keeping a lid on the tank makes sure that you don’t come home to a fatal escape attempt.

Do Siamese algae eater eat baby shrimp?

from my experience, true SAE’s will not eat baby shrimp. but sometimes fish such as flying fox or chinese algae eaters are sold as SAE’s and they will eat baby shrimp!

How do I know if my Siamese algae eater is real?

The easiest and most apparent difference is the horizontal black stripe running down the body. Both the False Siamensis and Flying Fox have a nice smooth black stripe topped with a gold stripe. The true Siamese ALgae Eater has a ragged, almost zig-zag black stripe running to it’s tail, and no gold stripe.

Can Siamese algae eater be kept with shrimp?

Amano Shrimp: this is a famous algae eater shrimp. It eats other food products as well, but mainly lives on the algae present in the aquarium. Siamese Algae Eaters will live well together with some of these shrimps.

What is the smallest algae eater?

Otocinclus Catfish

What algae eater can live in a 5 gallon tank?

Growing to maximum size of about 2 inches, Otocinclus fill the need for a small algae eater in tanks ranging from 5 gallons to 20 gallons. Interestingly, Otocinclus are found in the wild living in social groups comprised of thousands of individual fish.

How do you save a dying algae eater?

Here are a few tips that may help you keep your next pleco alive.

  1. Offer them a varied diet of fresh greens and veggies.
  2. Don’t keep multiple algae eating fish together.
  3. Ditch the aquarium salt.
  4. Only purchase babies that have a well-rounded stomach.
  5. Research your chosen species before you purchase it.

What algae eater can live in a 10 gallon tank?

Otocinclus catfish, or dwarf suckers, are ideal algae eaters for tanks under 10 gallons. Otos are small fish, giving them the ability to eat algae in tight spaces.

Can algae eaters live with guppies?

You can go with couple different ones and be okay. You can easily get yourself a regular Pleco, whether its a common pleco, albino or something more fancy if you want but they are DEF safe to keep together with guppies. But my personal favorite algae eaters are Oto’s catfish algae eaters.

Can algae eaters live with Betta?

For a single betta and a small algae eater, we recommend a size of 8 US Gallons (30 litres) or more. As far as algae eaters go, a Clown Pleco is a great at getting rid of algae and has a small bioload. If you only have a minor amount of algae, adding an algae-eating tank mate for your betta can help to reduce it.

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