Can hermit crabs eat apple sauce?
There will be some trial and error to learn what Sheldon likes, but most hermit crabs have a sweet tooth. The Hermit Crab Patch notes that baby food is popular, particularly fruit flavors such as fruit medley, apples and bananas, mango fruit, guava fruit, sweet corn casserole, sweet potatoes and apples and applesauce.
Do you have to cut up food for hermit crabs?
Most hermit crabs love sweet things like fruit, including bananas. As long as you cut it into small pieces or mash it, you can feed them bananas. It is best to get new crabs as soon as you get the first so that way the first crab can’t find all the good spots before the others and dominate them.
Why do my hermit crabs never eat?
Hermit crabs can survive for up to two weeks without eating or drinking. While hermit crabs may stay under the substrate during a molt, they do not deprive themselves of food or water. Hermit crabs understand when a molt is impending.
What can I feed my hermit crab?
- High-quality commercial hermit crab food.
- Recommend vegetables (spinach, carrots and romaine lettuce) and noncitrus fruits (mangoes, coconut and papaya) as treats.
- Nuts, seaweed, brine shrimp and fish flakes can also be offered as treats.
- Provide carotene and calcium supplements (such as cuttlebone).
Why is my hermit crab eating sand?
Okay to eat sand It may be that they are consuming those particles instead of the actual sand. There’s not much you can do to stop your crab from eating sand. It is probably a sign that he needs a certain mineral or nutrient found in sand so you might re-think their diet.
What does a hermit crab look like when it’s molting?
A molting crab appears quite limp and lifeless, and the body is often partway out of the shell. Sometimes, with very careful observation, you will be able to see small twitches from the hermit crab’s body while it is molting, but otherwise, it can be very difficult to tell whether or not it is still alive.
How long does a hermit crab destress?
Generally most crabs will be down for 6-8 weeks, but some will molt much more quickly and others may be down for four months or more and still be perfectly fine. I’ve never found my new crabs to have destressing periods and instead they simply molt right away.