Can I charge my 16 year old rent?

Can I charge my 16 year old rent?

Yes, your parents can charge you rent. The parent can actually control what the child earns. Oddly, when the parent does not control what the child earns, the child might be emancipated.Tir 18, 1393 AP

Can I ask my 16 year old to leave home UK?

Yes, a 16-year-old can leave home without her parents’ or carers’ permission. You can also ask her to leave. For children under 17, however, social services may apply for a ‘care order’. At 16, your child can apply to the local authority for her own home.

Can a 16 year old rent a flat UK?

Can young people rent accommodation? Only someone aged 18 or over can hold a tenancy. However a landlord can grant a joint tenancy if one of the tenants is 18 or over. An 18-year-old can apply to a local authority for housing as a ‘homeless’ person.

Can I ask my 16 year old to leave home?

Aged 16-17 You can leave home without your parents’ or carers’ permission. Or they can ask you to leave. But it’s important to think carefully before deciding to move out and leave home.

Is age 17 considered a minor?

In all 31 states, a minor is referred to as someone under the age of 18. Minors aged 16 or 17 who are charged with crimes could sometimes be treated as an adult.

Can police question a 17 year old without parents?

Can police question a minor without parents in California? The short answer is “yes.” Police officers can question your child without notifying you. Your child does not have a constitutional right to have a parent present when being questioned by police.Mordad 3, 1399 AP

Is a 17 year old dating a 18 legal?

It’s both legally and morally ok. However, nothing even vaguely sexual should take place. The 18-year-old is legally an adult and the 17-year-old is legally an infant. If anything even vaguely sexual takes place, then the 18-year-old could be charged with statutory rape.

Is a 18 year old allowed to date a 16 year old?

In a Nutshell: Sex between an 18 year-old and a 15 year-old is illegal in California, meaning any touching of “private parts” of either, even with consent of both parties (and perhaps even the parents of each teenager) is illegal in California because the age of consent is 18. After all, her consent is irrelevant.

Can a 17 and 15 year old date?

People of any age can date each other. If either of them are under age their parents have to agree to the dating. It is never illegal to date with parental approval. However, each state has their own rules about sex and intercourse so as long as there is…Tir 28, 1396 AP

Is a 17 year old dating a 14 year old illegal?

Sexual activity with a person who is underaged, by anyone, including another person under 18, is illegal. Dating is not illegal, as long as no sexual activity is involved, but as long as she is a minor, her…Mehr 27, 1396 AP

Is a 16 year old dating a 15 year old illegal?

The law recognises that young people aged 13 to 16 might be physically able to have sex but are not allowed to. If one sexual partner is over 16 and the other under 16, then sex is illegal. The same is true if both partners are aged over 13 and under 16.

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