Can you fax a document through email?

Can you fax a document through email?

As the world’s #1 online fax service, eFax allows you to send and receive faxes directly via email, a secure online portal, or mobile device. With eFax, you avoid all the paper and maintenance costs that come with traditional fax machines.

Can I fax a scanned document from my computer?

You Could Fax With Just Your Computer, But… Microsoft Windows even contains a Fax and Scan application that allows you to send faxes. The catch is that you’d need your computer connected to the phone line — yes, this means that you’d need a dial-up fax modem.

What do you need to enable your computer to send and receive documents like a fax?

To be able to send and receive faxes with Windows Fax and Scan, your computer must either be connected to a fax server that’s part of your computer network or have a phone line connected to a fax modem installed on your computer. Choose Start→All Programs→Windows Fax and Scan.

How do I fix Windows Fax and Scan?

Solution 1: Update the drivers for your scanner

  1. Press the Windows key + R.
  2. Type control and press Enter.
  3. In Control Panel go to Programs and features.
  4. Right click on your scanner’s driver and select Uninstall.
  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Download the scanner drivers from the device manufacturer’s website.

How do I transfer a document from my printer to my computer?

Click “Scanner,” then choose “Scan” and a digital copy of your document is created on your computer. Choose “File,” “Save” and title the document. Select a location to save the file to and click “OK” to save the printed document as a digital file on your computer.

How do you upload something on the computer?

Upload & view files

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Drive app.
  2. Tap Add .
  3. Tap Upload.
  4. Find and tap the files you want to upload.
  5. View uploaded files in My Drive until you move them.

How do I scan something into my computer?

How to scan a document

  1. Turn on the scanner.
  2. Locate the software for the scanner on your computer. If you don’t have the software that came with the scanner, most versions of Windows have a Windows Fax and Scan program installed, which works with most scanners.
  3. Count the number of pages you want to scan.

How do I scan and email a document?

Home Mode

  1. Click the Scan tab.
  2. Select the Document Type and Scan Size.
  3. Click Scan.
  4. The scanned image will be displayed in the image viewer. Confirm and edit (if necessary) the scanned image.
  5. Click Send E-mail.
  6. The Send E-mail dialog will appear. Configure the attached file settings *1, and click OK.

How do you send a document by email?

Send as the body of an email message

  1. Open the file you want to send.
  2. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click Send to Mail Recipient to open an email message. Your file will appear in the body of the message.
  3. Enter the recipients’ aliases, edit the subject line and message body as necessary, and then click Send.

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