Can you imagine circumstances in which breaking a promise would not be wrong?

Can you imagine circumstances in which breaking a promise would not be wrong?

Can you imagine circumstances in which breaking a promise would not be wrong? subjective question, but yes, if you made a promise to hurt someone. The principle underlying a decision to act in a particular way.

Is it OK to break a promise?

It’s not a lack of integrity, in those situations, to break a promise. Instead, integrity is measured by what you say and do when you have no choice left and must break a promise. In order to break a promise honorably, you need to be sure to do the following: Acknowledge that you are breaking a promise.

Is it moral to break a promise?

One has a moral duty to keep one’s promises because making a promise will lead others to believe that you will do what you promise. Breaking the promise is then tantamount to deceiving those one promised, and since one has a moral duty not to do this, one has a moral duty to keep one’s promises.

Why is it important to keep a promise?

A promise can go a long way in personal relationships. It is a commitment to follow through on your word. Studies suggest that keeping promises holds a lot of emotional value and when we break them, there is a decline of trust.

What does keeping a promise mean?

To fulfill or be faithful to a promise one has made. Keeping promises is the backbone of any healthy relationship. …

Where in the Bible does it talk about promises?

2 Samuel 7:28 Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant.

What are the 7 promises of God?

The 7 Promises of God

  • I will be with you.
  • I will protect you.
  • I will be your strength.
  • I will answer you.
  • I will provide for you.
  • I will give you peace.
  • I will always love you.

Is promising to God a sin?

To cut right to the answer for the question, “Should you make promises to God?” the answer is “No.” Christianity is not about making promises to God. Christianity is about relying on the promises of God.

How do you break a vow to God?

Breaking a Vow to God is essentially lying because you have claimed to do something for God but have not done it. In the Bible, the book of Matthew 5:33–37 we see Jesus teaching about oaths and vows. And says don’t swear but let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and ‘no’ be ‘no’ .

Will God punish me for breaking a promise to him?

There is no sin that God cannot forgive, except for the rejection of Christ. But you see, a vow is a solemn promise made unto God. We must be mindful that a solemn promise is made unto God and not unto man. So, God takes our promise seriously.

Is saying OMG taking the Lord’s name in vain?

“If you say something like ‘Oh my God,’ then you’re using His name in vain, but if you’re saying something like OMG it’s not really using the Lord’s name in vain because you’re not saying ‘Oh my God. Words like gosh and golly, both dating back to the 1700s, served as euphemisms for God.

Is it a sin to say oh my goodness?

Gosh is not a noun, but an interjection. An acceptable way to express surprise, be it good or bad. “Oh my G**!” offers our omnipotent supreme deity no glory and the phrase needs to be recognized for what it is—verbal sin.

Is it OK to call God Yahweh?

For Jewish people YHWH is the most holy name of God, as written in the ancient Hebrew language. The written language showed no vowels, so the pronunciation is not agreed on. However, most academics agree that “Yahweh” is the most accepted way to say it.

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