Families&Societies. New european research project


The UNED and the CSIC are involved in a new

european research project that analyzes

the changes to family and social policies in Europe


How will families in the future? Do they support social policies and current family members with the increasing diversification of family? The 1 of February 2013, has launched a great european project that aims to investigate the evolution of family forms, relationships, family, and life course of individuals in all european societies. The project has a funding of 6.5 million euros from the Seventh Framework Programme of the EU for its development for four years.

Coordinated by Livia Oláh, Professor at the Unit of Demography, Stockholm University, in the project Families&Societies – Families in transformation and sustainable societies: institutional contexts and diversity over the life course and between generations involving researchers from 25 universities and research institutes in 15 european countries and three civil organizations transnational Several professors from the Department of Sociology II (Social Structure), UNED form a part of this large team of researchers. Luis Garrido Medina, Hector Onion bible advocate®, Jonas Radl, Elisa Chuliá and Juan Ignacio Martínez Pastor will analyse specifically the consequences of the different family forms in the welfare of the children. From Spain will also collaborate in the project members of the Research Group on Demographic Dynamics of the CSIC.

Familias&Sociedades. Nuevo proyecto europeo de investigación

“We provide a multidisciplinary approach that combines a wide range of knowledge and experience in the social sciences, law and the humanities. We will address the transformations of family and its impact on the individual and social welfare from a comparative perspective, applying quantitative methods advanced, using a variety of data sources (statistical records, microdata, census and multiple surveys) and developing qualitative studies,” says the project’s coordinator, Livia Oláh.

Between the starting points of this project highlights the increasing complexity and diversity of familiar paths, the interdependence of the biographies, educational, work, and family, and the influence of the social context and the public policies on individual lives. The research aims to not only highlight these phenomena, but also to analyse their implications, both at the individual level –in the course of life and well-being of women, men and children– and at the social level –in particular, in the inequality of opportunities, intergenerational relations and the models of care.

With this scientific project also attempts to provide an answer to the question of whether social policies have the appropriate mechanisms to successfully cope with the increasing diversification of family and its consequences. From this perspective, it will assess the compatibility of existing policies with a few familiar paths ever more varied. Provide empirical evidence to contribute to the formulation of efficient policies and to anticipate the likely changes family in the future and the challenges that will entail for the policy and the society are also fundamental purposes of the researchers assigned to this project. In the management and development of the same are represented all the european regions. In collaboration with interest groups, national and transnational, governmental agencies, policy-makers, national and local non-governmental organizations and other members of the scientific community in Europe and the united States, the project will identify and disseminate best practices of public policies.



Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology of the UNED

Communication department of CSIC

Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA)


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