Can you put references on resume?

Can you put references on resume?

Job references should never be included on a resume. Rarely, however, references may be included with a resume, but always put them on a separate references page.

What do you put down for references on a resume?

This list should include each reference’s name, job title, company, address, phone number, and email address. If the job listing asks you to submit a list of references but does not tell you how many you need, include three on the list. This is the typical number of references that employers want for each candidate.

What should HR keep confidential?

In addition to protecting sensitive employee information, HR must maintain confidentiality about management or business information that is not available to nonmanagement employees or outsiders. Such information could include changing business strategies and processes, layoffs or plant closings, and proprietary data.

Does HR have to keep pregnancy confidential?

Answer: No, you are not legally required to tell your employer that you’re pregnant as soon as you know about it or at any particular point in your pregnancy. Most employees keep their condition to themselves until they are at least through the first trimester.

When should I disclose pregnancy to my employer?

Answer: You have no legal duty to tell potential employers that you’re pregnant. If you want, you can waltz into the interview room a month away from your due date and not say a word about it. Legally speaking, employers may not discriminate against job applicants due to pregnancy.

When to tell your boss your wife is pregnant?

There’s no one right time to tell your boss that you’re expecting. In general, many people prefer to wait until after the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage declines. If there are no safety risks at work, it’s OK to wait until you feel more confident in the pregnancy and are ready to share the news.

How do I tell my coworker my wife is pregnant?

Tell your boss first. If you work in the same office, tell your boss face-to-face. (Otherwise a phone call is fine.) When you do, keep it brief! Say you have some happy news, make the announcement, and share your due date.

How do I tell my boss I want to go on maternity leave?

If you desire more maternity leave than what is outlined by your human resources department or in your company handbook, explain your reasons. For example, if your company doesn’t offer paid leave and you can afford to take 10 weeks unpaid, tell your superiors exactly why you need this time off from work.

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