Can you use IE in academic writing?

Can you use IE in academic writing?

The abbreviations ‘e.g.’ and ‘i.e.’ have a couple of things in common: both are short for Latin terms; and both are now commonly used in academic writing.

Can I use acronyms in academic writing?

Initialisms and acronyms can be used in academic essay writing in limited circumstances. The general rule of thumb is that you spell out an acronym on first reference and then use the acronym after that. Do not place the acronym in parentheses after the initial reference. Readers can be trusted to recognize it.

How is ie used in writing?

i.e. is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase id est, meaning “that is.” This abbreviation is used when you want to specify something mentioned previously; it can be used interchangeably with “specifically” or “namely.” Here are some examples: “Only one city, i.e., London, has hosted the Summer Olympics three times.”

How do you use eg and ie correctly?

E.g. is used to give one or more possible examples. It’s a signal that you’re seeing one or a few of multiple possibilities. I.e, on the other hand, clarifies; you are providing more precise information. Where e.g. opens up more options, i.e. narrows them down.

How do you end a sentence with IE?

Putting “i.e.” in a Sentence. Lowercase it and use periods. The abbreviation “i.e.” should always appear with a lowercase “i” and a lowercase “e” in a sentence, with a period between both letters. Do not italicize or bold it.

Is there a comma after ie and eg?

In modern American English, a comma should follow both e.g. and i.e. And because they have both become so commonplace, it is unnecessary to place the abbreviations in italics, even though they are abbreviated Latin phrases.

Where do you put a comma after us?

English – U.S. The comma after “U.S.” is correct because it indicates a break in the sentence. Suppose it were “Mao was against Khrushchev’s ‘peaceful coexistence’ with England, and this …” It’s the same structure, so the comma is equally correct

Do commas go before and?

The word and is a conjunction, and when a conjunction joins two independent clauses, you should use a comma with it. The proper place for the comma is before the conjunction. On Monday we’ll see the Eiffel Tower, and on Tuesday we’ll visit the Louvre.

What does a comma tattoo mean?

Commas separate two parts of a sentence, so a comma tattoo could imply that the owner has separated from someone or some other type of separation has affected their lives. Since most comma tattoos are smaller, it can be placed inside of other tattoos to keep the “separation” meaning a bit more private to the owner.

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