Understanding Library terminology: Part I

I must admit the library can be rather intimidating, with its bizarre series of terms which only seems to be understood by hermits who have permanently retreated to its mysterious depths. Let me translate… By Lorna Khemraz Follow me in my transition from denial to actually looking up these strange words which fill up the […]

Navigating your research journey

 “It’s a dangerous business, student, starting out your research. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, probably.   Pick a topic If a wizard turned up at your door and offered you […]

The 10 stages of working towards a deadline

Well, folks, it’s that time of year again, that horrendous, tedious, threatening, scary, stressful time. We shall call it – deadline season…By Thomas Stewart Yes, you’re working towards your deadlines, you’re banging on that laptop, sending e-mails, reading the same lines over and over again just to meet that deadline and within this time there […]

The best ways to superfuel your study

The eternal question: what to eat while studying? It’s not as easy as it sounds. From spilling tea all over your laptop to stirring the volcanic anger of the girl opposite with your super-crunchy apple, eating while studying – and fuelling your brain at the same time – is a minefield…By Charlotte Salter. In the […]

Are there Hungarian partridge?

Are there Hungarian partridge? The Hungarian partridge, or hun, is a non-native species imported to the U.S. and Canada primarily from Hungary and Czechoslovakia in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The birds are generally regarded as an incidental species occasionally taken by hunters chasing pheasants and sharptail grouse. What is the difference between male […]

What programming language does the government use?

What programming language does the government use? The US government uses many coding languages. I have worked for the government using C#, SQL and JavaScript. I’m sure that the weather service uses FORTRAN, the General Accounting Office likely uses COBOL, and the Department of Defense uses Ada. Is the Ada programming language still used? Ada […]

Can UK electricians work in Australia?

Can UK electricians work in Australia? To be able to work in many different trades in Australia, you are required to hold a license for the occupation. It is common for many foreign trained electricians to work as a trade assistant for a construction or electrical company, however you are not allowed to undertake any […]

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