Can I still use app store after jailbreak? Jailbroken devices can bypass the App Store and go straight to alternative app sources like Cydia. And while Jailbroken iPhones can still access the official App Store, they can also access open-source packages and apps available elsewhere. Can you download apps on jailbroken iPhone? Having jailbroken device […]
How far is Scotland from Blackburn?
Was iCarly more popular than Hannah Montana?
Was iCarly more popular than Hannah Montana? But perhaps only kids know that she has been unseated as TV’s reigning tween queen by Carly Shay. Carly, the plucky 15-year-old star of the Nickelodeon comedy iCarly, quietly overtook Disney Channel’s Hannah Montana — and this year, American Idol — in the ratings race for young audiences. […]
Can you put other animals with hermit crabs?
Can you put other animals with hermit crabs? You just need to ensure that the fish and crustaceans are compatible. That means sharing preferences of water quality, temperature, and quality. Clownfish, damselfish, gobies, cardinalfish, and wrasses are good tankmates for hermit crabs. Avoid putting goldfish, betta fish, or cichlids with hermit crabs. Should I put […]
What are the symptoms of a bacterial skin infection?
What are the symptoms of a bacterial skin infection? Skin Infection Symptoms Pus or fluid leaking out of the cut. Red skin around the injury. A red streak that runs from the cut toward your heart. A pimple or yellowish crust on top. Sores that look like blisters. Pain that gets worse after a few […]
How was Marmite invented?
How was Marmite invented? It was invented by accident. In the late 19th Century a German scientist, Justus Liebig, discovered brewer’s yeast could be concentrated, bottled and eaten. In 1902 the Marmite Food Company was founded in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, where the raw material was readily available from the town’s brewers. Is Marmite a junk food? […]
What era was ancient Egypt?
What era was ancient Egypt? History of ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt Early Dynastic Period 3150–2686 BC Old Kingdom 2686–2181 BC 1st Intermediate Period 2181–2055 BC Middle Kingdom 2055–1650 BC Who were the first ones to use iron? In the Mesopotamian states of Sumer, Akkad and Assyria, the initial use of iron reaches far back, to […]