What happens when an architect makes a mistake?

What happens when an architect makes a mistake? if the architect makes a mistake than they have to make good on the mistake . if it was a mistake, an “error” in professional vernacular, then the architect should have liability insurance to cover “errors and omissions”. What is an architect liable for? When there are […]

What is the use of research station in Antarctica?

What is the use of research station in Antarctica? Bharati (Hindi: भारती) is a permanent Antarctic research station commissioned by India. It is India’s third Antarctic research facility and one of two active Indian research stations, alongside Maitri. India’s first committed research facility, Dakshin Gangotri, is being used as a supply base. What research stations […]

What is the strongest geometric shape and why?

What is the strongest geometric shape and why? Triangles: The Strongest Shape. One shape is a favorite among architects, the triangle. The triangle is the strongest shape, capable of holding its shape, having a strong base, and providing immense support. What is the most powerful shape? hexagon What is the most structurally stable shape? triangles […]

How tall is a single story?

How tall is a single story? around 14 feet How many feet is 2 stories? The Height of a Two Story House in the United States In the USA, the minimum height of a residential two story building is 16 feet. The standard height is 18 to 20 feet. And the average height may vary […]

How many steps are in the Aztec temple?

How many steps are in the Aztec temple? six What did they do in Aztec temples? The Aztec temples were dedicated to different gods since Aztec society was a polytheistic society. The temples were used for worship, prayers, and offering of human sacrifices to gods. These human sacrifices were a common feature of the Aztec […]

What are the walls in my house made of?

What are the walls in my house made of? Two of the most common forms of interior wall materials are plaster and drywall. Plaster has been used since ancient times. The earliest plaster was usually made of lime, sand, animal hair and water [source: MacDonald]. What are walls made of UK? Common materials Timber or […]

What is the earliest form of architecture?

What is the earliest form of architecture? Prehistoric architecture includes monumental structures such as Stonehenge, cliff dwellings in the Americas, and thatch and mud structures lost to time. The dawn of architecture is found in these structures. Prehistoric builders moved earth and stone into geometric forms, creating our earliest human-made formations. What are the indigenous […]

What kind of math do you need for architecture?

What kind of math do you need for architecture? Algebra, geometry and trigonometry are prerequisites for taking Calculus, and Calculus is required to complete a degree program in architecture. Some students complete the algebra, geometry and trigonometry requirements in high school and can immediately start with calculus courses in college. Do architects need to be […]

What is the definition of punctuated equilibrium?

What is the definition of punctuated equilibrium? : evolution that is characterized by long periods of stability in the characteristics of an organism and short periods of rapid change during which new forms appear especially from small subpopulations of the ancestral form in restricted parts of its geographic range also : a theory or model […]

What are characteristics of classical Greek architecture?

What are characteristics of classical Greek architecture? Three of the main characteristics of classical Greek architecture would be “b. domes and arches,” “c. balance and symmetry,” and “e. ordered columns,” since these were thought to bring the most respect to the gods. What architectural feature that was a part of Greek temples? The Parthenon, shows […]

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