What can I use to sign photos? How to make a digital signature Sign your name on a white piece of paper with a black Sharpie or artist pen (you’ll want a somewhat broad stroke) Take a photo of the paper. Import the photo into Photoshop. Go to Filter > Camera Raw Filter. What do […]
How long do you have to wear compression stockings after hip replacement?
How long do you have to wear compression stockings after hip replacement? Try to wear them for 6 weeks if possible. This helps to reduce leg swelling and prevent blood clot formation in your legs. How long should I wear compression stockings after surgery? When compression stockings are recommended after surgery, they should usually be […]
What is it called when companies have to hire minorities?
What is it called when companies have to hire minorities? Affirmative action refers to outreach and recruitment methods that encourage minorities and other specific categories of the population to apply for jobs. The laws surrounding affirmative action in hiring are subject to change, however, as these policies are often challenged in the courts. What are […]
Why was reading so important to Frederick Douglass?
Why was reading so important to Frederick Douglass? Literacy plays an important part in helping Douglass achieve his freedom. Learning to read and write enlightened his mind to the injustice of slavery; it kindled in his heart longings for liberty. He believed that the ability to read makes a slave “unmanageable” and “discontented” (2054). How […]
What kind of leader was Muammar Gaddafi?
What kind of leader was Muammar Gaddafi? Born near Sirte, Italian Libya, to a poor Bedouin family, Gaddafi became an Arab nationalist while at school in Sabha, later enrolling in the Royal Military Academy, Benghazi. Within the military, he founded a revolutionary group which deposed the Western-backed Senussi monarchy of Idris in a 1969 coup. […]
How do I upload HD videos to YouTube from my Mac?
What are the features of the Indian Ocean?
What are the features of the Indian Ocean? most prominent features of the Indian Ocean is its seismically active, rugged and inverted Y shaped Mid-Indian Ridge, which is cut by numerous north-northeast trending fracture zones. The seismic Ninety-Degree East Ridge, 4800 km long and the Chagos-Laccadive Plateau are the unique features of the indian Ocean. […]
What is a silent dog whistle used for?
How do you get all the achievements in 8 ball pool?
What is the term when a group of vehicles are traveling together at a high speed?
What is the term when a group of vehicles are traveling together at a high speed? A platoon is a group of vehicles that can travel very closely together, safely at high speed. What is part of an expressway entrance you enter at the same speed as vehicles in the nearest lane? The acceleration lane […]