What are setae and where are they located?

What are setae and where are they located? what are setae and where are they located? they are bristles on the underside of an earthworm. located between segments. What is the setae of a worm? Each segment or section has muscles and bristles called setae. The bristles or setae help anchor and control the worm […]

What percentage of wood is used for fuel?

What percentage of wood is used for fuel? Worldwide, one-half of all the wood that is cut down is used for fuel, while in many developing countries 90 percent is used for fuel. How much wood does it take to heat a house? EPA-certified catalytic wood stoves are 72% efficient, meaning they convert 72% of […]

Is Diet Coke actually 0 calories?

Is Diet Coke actually 0 calories? Diet soda is a zero-calorie, sugar-free version of a carbonated beverages. For example: to give the diet soda its classic sweet taste, Diet Coke contains aspartame and Splenda, both of which are artificial sweeteners, which contain no actual sugar or calories. Are zero calorie drinks bad for you? Artificially […]

How much is parking at Fresno State?

How much is parking at Fresno State? Cost: $5.00 Daily permits are only valid in Green parking lots, except after 6:00 pm. After 6:00 pm, daily permits are valid in all Yellow parking lots. Lot P19 is a GOLD parking lot, and requires a gold parking permit at all times. How do I get a […]

Why do organizations develop IT systems?

Why do organizations develop IT systems? Organizations develop IT systems to meet important business objectives, such as improving competitiveness, increasing productivity and efficiency, accelerating growth, supporting innovation and reducing costs, according to information technology research and advisory company Gartner in a 2011 survey of the priorities … Why is there a need to create information […]

Who wrote the Pied Piper story?

Who wrote the Pied Piper story? Robert Browning What is the story behind the Pied Piper? The Pied Piper of Hamelin plays out in the Germanic town of Hamelin (now called Hameln) in 1284. The town had been suffering from a severe rat infestation when a man arrived carrying a musical pipe and wearing ‘pied’ […]

How do I get NCR Black Ranger armor?

How do I get NCR Black Ranger armor? This armor can be found on NCR Veteran Rangers throughout the game in areas occupied by the NCR (e.g. Camp Golf, the NCR Ranger Safehouse, Ranger Station Bravo, Camp Forlorn Hope, etc.) or if the Courier is labeled a terrorist by the NCR, as there will be […]

Can you plant Gloxinia outside?

Can you plant Gloxinia outside? Grown from tubers, gloxinias are typically planted outdoors in spring after the danger of frost has safely passed. In zones where the cultivar is not hardy, you need to store tubers for winter or grow gloxinia as potted plants. Is Gloxinia an indoor plant? The gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) is a […]

Are drums percussion?

Are drums percussion? Percussion instruments include any instrument that makes a sound when it is hit, shaken, or scraped. The most common percussion instruments in the orchestra include the timpani, xylophone, cymbals, triangle, snare drum, bass drum, tambourine, maracas, gongs, chimes, celesta, and piano. What is the difference between a drummer and a percussionist? While […]

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