How long should I wait between tans? 36- 48 hours How often should you tan for best results? Maintain your perfect shade by tanning 1-3 times a week. Consult with the Tanning Experts® for a personalized tan retention plan. Will tanning once a week maintain my tan? After completing your initial 3-5 tanning sessions, your […]
Where did the minuet come from?
Where did the minuet come from? The dance steps and musical form of the Minuet had originated in France in the 1660s. Under the watchful eye of Louis XIV, France had come to dominate European, and therefore American, fashions in clothing, food, art, music and dance, and it would maintain that cultural dominance for several […]
Can I feed my leopard gecko a caterpillar?
Can I feed my leopard gecko a caterpillar? In it’s native habitat (dry, rocky scrubland from NW India to Iraq), the Leopard Gecko consumes dozens of species of spiders, beetles, locusts, caterpillars, scorpions and other invertebrates, as well as the occasional lizard or nestling rodent. The key to keeping them healthy in captivity is dietary […]
How do you declare variable variables?
How do you declare variable variables? Declaring a variable means defining its type, and optionally, setting an initial value (initializing the variable). Variables do not have to be initialized (assigned a value) when they are declared, but it is often useful. Variables will roll over when the value stored exceeds the space assigned to store […]
How many types of trade cycles are there in e-commerce?
How many types of trade cycles are there in e-commerce? That said, three generic trade cycles can be identified: • Regular, repeat transactions between commercial trading partners (repeat trade cycle). (‘credit’ transactions). Irregular transactions in once-off trading relationships where execution and settlement are typically combined (‘cash’ transactions). What are the types of trade cycle? A […]
Can you take beta blockers with grapefruit?
Can you take beta blockers with grapefruit? If you eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice at all, be aware that the fruit interacts with several classes of drugs, including statins (taken to lower cholesterol), beta blockers (used to treat heart disease and regulate blood pressure), immune suppressing drugs, psychotropic drugs, and even certain anesthetics. Can […]
Who gave birth to an 8 legged horse?
Who gave birth to an 8 legged horse? Loki How did Odin get sleipnir? Sleipnir (pronounced “SLAYP-nir”; Old Norse Sleipnir, “The Sliding One”) is the eight-legged horse of the god Odin. Sleipnir was born when the god Loki shape-shifted into a mare and became pregnant by the stallion of a giant, as is recounted in […]
How much is a gold 20 Swiss franc worth?
How much is a gold 20 Swiss franc worth? Swiss 20 Franc Gold Coins Product Best Price 20 Francs Gold Coin – Varied Year/Country As Low As $381.01 Shop Now Is the Swiss franc backed by gold? Independent Monetary Policy: The Swiss franc is not backed by gold. The Swiss National Bank (SNB) can print […]
Can Christmas lights electrocute you?
Can Christmas lights electrocute you? Anything from touching a downed power line to plugging in a faulty string of Christmas lights can cause serious burns on the skin and damage muscles, nerves, and internal organs. Young children often suffer burns in their mouths from chewing on an electrical cord or playing with an outlet. Are […]
What were some causes and effects of the Renaissance?
What were some causes and effects of the Renaissance? In conclusion, historians have identified several causes of the Renaissance in Europe, including: increased interaction between different cultures, the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts, the emergence of humanism, different artistic and technological innovations, and the impacts of conflict and death. Which was an effect […]